ONE STAR, AT LAST - A Selection of Carols of Our Time

- Titel: ONE STAR, AT LAST - A Selection of Carols of Our Time. Adams-Barbaro, Jennifer, Sopran -- Adès, Thomas, Komponist -- BBC Singers, Chor -- Belmont, Jean, Komponist -- Bingham, Judith, Komponist -- Brown, George Mackay, Dichter/Text -- Cleobury, Stephen -- Collingwood, Charles, Sprecher -- Davies, Peter Maxwell, Komponist -- Eleanor, Bron, Sprecher -- Feaviour, Margaret, Sopran -- Foulkes, Carolyn, Sopran -- Goodall, Howard, Komponist -- Grier, Francis, Orgel -- Harbison, John, Komponist -- Harle, John, Saxophon -- Haslam, Micaela, Sopran -- Holten, Bo, Komponist -- Johnston, Robert, Tenor -- MacKenzie, Neil, Tenor -- MacMillan, James, Komponist -- Martland, Steve, Komponist -- Mother Thekla,, Dichter/Text -- Panufnik, Roxanna, Komponist -- Porter, Kim, Mezzosopran -- Priestley-Smith, Pamela, Sopran -- Quinney, Robert, Orgel -- Rütti, Carl, Komponist -- Susa, Conrad, Komponist -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Weir, Judith, Komponist
- Person(en): Adès, Thomas [Komposition] ; Belmont, Jean [Komposition] ; Bingham, Judith [Komposition] ; Davies, Peter Maxwell [Komposition] ; Goodall, Howard [Komposition] ; Harbison, John [Komposition] ; Holten, Bo [Komposition] ; MacMillan, James [Komposition] ; Martland, Steve [Komposition] ; Panufnik, Roxanna [Komposition] ; Rütti, Carl [Komposition] ; Susa, Conrad [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Weir, Judith [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): BBC Singers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Signum Classics, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Nowell Sing We Now 00:03:56 -- 3 Weihnachtslieder: From lands that see the sun arise; Make we joy; There is no Rose of such virtue 00:09:54 -- I wonder as I wander 00:02:15 -- Illuminare, Jerusalem 00:02:28 -- The Shepherd's Gift 00:03:48 -- Corpus Christi Carol 00:03:44 -- The Fayrfax Carol 00:04:31 -- The Shepherds Sings 00:03:15 -- Nativitas 00:02:33 -- Seinte Mari Moder Milde 00:07:12 -- Today the Virgin 00:03:01 -- Oczekiwanie (Warten) 00:09:09 -- Carol 00:03:42 -- One Star at Last 00:03:33 -- Magnum mysterium 00:02:17 -- Sleep, little Jesus, sleep 00:03:19 -- Romance of the Angels 00:04:32 -- Mrs Beeton's Christmas Plum Pudding 00:04:08 --
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