Complete Piano Music (The), Vol. 4

- Titel: Complete Piano Music (The), Vol. 4 / PETERSON-BERGER. Hojer, Olof, Klavier -- Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm, Komponist
- Person(en): Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm ; Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Swedish Society, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Italiana: Solhymn (Sun Hymn); Vision antique: Dansande nymf (Vision antique: Dancing Nymph); Vision antique: Evoe Bacche!; Villa d'Este; Sorrentinsk serenad (Serenade of Sorrento); ... / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:19:02 -- 3 neue Tanzgedichte: No. 1. Nar mor var ung (When Mother was young); No. 2. Pa graset under lindarna (In the Grass under the Lindens Trees); No. 3. Livets danslek (Life's Dance Game) / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:10:00 -- 3 Klanggedichte: No. 1. Lycka (Happiness); No. 2. In memoriam; No. 3. Amerikansk dans (American Dance) / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:11:10 -- Solitudo: I. Glam (Gaiety); II. Ungkarlsvalsen (Bachelor Waltz); III. Bukolikon (Bucholic); IV. Tonfilm, barntillaten (Movie, Children Admitted); V. Gatan (Enigma); ... / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:13:46 -- Anakreontika I: I. Till lyran (To the Lyre); II. Till duvan (To the Dove); III. Dromtydning (Dream Interpretation) / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:09:49 -- Anakreontika II: I. Oraklet (The Oracle); II. Flojtspel pa Peneios (Flute-playing on Peneios); III. Till Eros (To Eros); IV. Anakreons dan (Anacreon's Dance) / Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 00:14:46 --
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