Choral Music (Christmas) - LEDGER, P. / GRIME, H. / POTT, F. (Advent Live, Vol. 3) (St. John's College Choir Cambridge, Nethsingha, G. Herbert)

- Titel: Choral Music (Christmas) - LEDGER, P. / GRIME, H. / POTT, F. (Advent Live, Vol. 3) (St. John's College Choir Cambridge, Nethsingha, G. Herbert). Anderson-Besant, James, Orgel -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Brown, George Mackay, Dichter/Text -- Chandler, John, Dichter/Text -- Coffin, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Davies, Peter Maxwell, Komponist -- Frances-Hoad, Cheryl, Komponist -- Gant, James, Bass -- Gardner, John, Komponist -- Grime, Helen, Komponist -- Herbert, George, Orgel -- Hill, David -- Hopkins, Alexander, Knaben-Sopran -- Inns, Archie, Tenor -- L'Estrange, Harry, Komponist -- Ledger, Philip, Klavier -- Nethsingha, Andrew -- Otero, Carlos Rodríguez, Tenor -- Pott, Francis, Komponist -- Preston, Simon, Orgel -- Robinson, Christopher -- St. John's College Choir, Cambridge, Chor -- Stainer, John, Komponist -- Vines, George, Bass -- Warlock, Peter, Komponist -- Weir, Judith, Komponist -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Williams, Raymond, Komponist -- Williams, Rowan, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Davies, Peter Maxwell [Komposition] ; Frances-Hoad, Cheryl [Komposition] ; Gardner, John [Komposition] ; Grime, Helen [Komposition] ; L'Estrange, Harry [Komposition] ; Pott, Francis [Komposition] ; Stainer, John [Komposition] ; Warlock, Peter [Komposition] ; Weir, Judith [Komposition] ; Williams, Raymond [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): St. John's College Choir, Cambridge
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Signum Classics, 2023
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Lo! The Desert-Depths are Stirr'd 00:02:47 -- Advent Calendar 00:02:38 -- Telling 00:02:48 -- There Is No Rose 00:06:13 -- Das Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644 00:01:27 -- Pan fo'r stormydd garwa'n curo 00:01:50 -- Veni, veni Emmanuel (O come, o come Emmanuel) (arr. T. Helmore and D. Hill for mixed choir and organ) 00:03:19 -- Nowell, Owt of Youre Sleep Aryse [Oxford, Bodleian-Bibliothek, MS Arch. Selden B 26, f.14v] 00:02:33 -- Drop Down, Ye Heavens, from Above 00:01:55 -- 18 Choräle BWV 651-668 "Leipziger Choral" 00:04:14 -- There Is No Rose 00:02:49 -- Come, thou long expected Jesus (arr. C. Robinson for mixed choir and organ) 00:01:56 -- O virgo virginum 00:02:27 -- One Star at Last 00:03:11 -- O Dayspring - O King of the nations 00:01:48 -- 6 Schübler Choräle BWV 645-650 00:04:11 -- Adam Lay Ybounden (arr. for mixed choir and organ) 00:01:19 -- Das Orgelbüchlein BWV 599-644 00:01:03 -- On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry (arr. C. Robinson for mixed choir and organ) 00:02:29 -- O Emmanuel (Antiphonen zum Magnificat vom 17. Bis zum 23. Dezember) 00:00:57 -- Adam lay ybounden 00:02:20 -- A Gallery Carol 00:02:11 --
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