Sacred Choral Music (The Reeds by Severn Side) (Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, Ryan, Vann)

- Titel: Sacred Choral Music (The Reeds by Severn Side) (Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, Ryan, Vann) / ELGAR, E.. Aquinas, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, Chor -- Gascoigne, George, Dichter/Text -- Jonson, Ben, Dichter/Text -- Lawes, Henry, Komponist -- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Dichter/Text -- Masefield, John Edward, Dichter/Text -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Newman, John Henry, Dichter/Text -- Ryan, Joshua, Orgel -- Smart, Henry Thomas, Komponist -- Stanfield, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Stewart, Charles Hylton, Komponist -- Tennyson, Alfred, Dichter/Text -- Vann, William
- Person(en): Lawes, Henry [Komposition] ; Smart, Henry Thomas [Komposition] ; Stewart, Charles Hylton [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: SOMM Recordings, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Gloria 00:05:07 -- Credo (after L. van Beethoven's symphonies) 00:11:09 -- Hear Thy Children, Gentle Jesus 00:01:53 -- O salutaris hostia Nr. 3 00:03:21 -- Ave, verum corpus op. 2 Nr. 1 00:02:52 -- Ave Maria op. 2 Nr. 2 00:02:44 -- Ave maris stella op. 2 Nr. 3 00:03:39 -- Szenen aus der Sage von König Olaf op. 30 00:02:23 -- 4 Choral Songs, Op. 53 00:04:45 -- Psalm 68, "Let God Arise and Let His Enemies Be Scattered" 00:04:23 -- Angelus, Op. 56 00:03:30 -- They are at rest 00:03:27 -- O hearken Thou op. 64 00:02:44 -- Psalm 29 op. 74 "Give unto the Lord" 00:08:30 -- Fear not, O Land 00:03:46 -- I Sing the Birth 00:04:10 -- Goodmorrow 00:04:32 -- Queen Alexandra Memorial Ode, "So many true princesses who have gone" 00:06:41 --
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