ADORATION CRUCIS (Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Eben)


  • Titel: ADORATION CRUCIS (Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Eben). Boni Pueri Boys Choir, Chor -- Eben, David -- Schola Gregoriana Pragensis, Chor
  • Organisation(en): Boni Pueri Boys Choir ; Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Supraphon, 2024
  • Anmerkungen: Gloria laus [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Hymnus] 00:02:03 -- Ave rex noster [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Antiphona] 00:02:21 -- Pueri Hebreorum [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Antiphona] 00:02:54 -- Christus factus est [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Graduale] 00:03:13 -- Vexilla regis prodeunt [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Hymnus] 00:03:18 -- Ursus insidians mihi [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Lamentatio] 00:03:12 -- Insurrexerunt in me [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Responsorium] 00:03:28 -- Captabunt in animam [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Antiphona] 00:01:35 -- Quomodo obscuratum est aurum [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Lamentatio] 00:03:46 -- Tenebrae factae sunt [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Responsorium] 00:03:11 -- Kyrie eleison [The theme of the Cross in the repertoire of the Holy Week: Litania] 00:02:56 -- Ecce lignum crucis [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:07 -- Crucem tuam adoramus [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:49 -- Improperia [Devotion of the Cross] 00:06:52 -- Tuam crucem adoramus [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:10 -- O crux benedicta [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:00:53 -- O crux admirabile [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:04 -- Crux fidelis [Devotion of the Cross: Hymnus] 00:04:47 -- Sanctifica nos Domine [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:25 -- Dum fabricator mundi [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:04:19 -- In pace in idipsum [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:59 -- Ecce quomodo moritur iustus [Devotion of the Cross: Responsorium] 00:02:54 -- Adoramus te Christe [Devotion of the Cross: Antiphona] 00:01:51 -- Congregati sunt [Conclusion: Responsorium] 00:04:43 --