V studni (In the Well) [Opera] (Márová, Šounová-Brouková, Kocián, Berman, Kühn Mixed Choir, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Štych)

- Titel: V studni (In the Well) [Opera] (Márová, Šounová-Brouková, Kocián, Berman, Kühn Mixed Choir, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Štych) / BLODEK, V.. Berman, Karel, Bass -- Blodek, Vilem, Komponist -- Kocián, Vojtìch, Tenor -- Kühn Mixed Choir, Chor -- Márová, Libuše, Mezzosopran -- Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Orchester -- Sabina, Karel, Dichter/Text -- Šounová-Brouková, Daniela, Sopran -- Štych, Jan
- Person(en): Blodek, Vilem ; Blodek, Vilem [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Kühn Mixed Choir ; Prague National Theatre Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Supraphon, 1995
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: V studni (In the Well): Overture; Scene 1: Introduction: Aj, zlý to èas (Zpìv Veruny) (Oh, times are hard now); Scene 2: Aj, co sem vede Lidunku? (So what did you come for, Lidunka?); Scene 2: A co ti o mnì pravili (What they told you about me); Scene 2: Mladá láska, to je ráj (Young love that's a paradise); ... / Blodek, Vilem 01:06:39 --
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