Refuge (The) [Opera]

- Titel: Refuge (The) [Opera] / THEOFANIDIS, C.. Angerov, Vadim, Gesang -- Barton, Jamie, Mezzosopran -- Bonner, Liam, Bariton -- Camm, Rebekah, Sopran -- Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Choir, Chor -- Courtney, Chandrakantha, Sitar -- Courtney, David, Tabla/Trommelpaar -- Durrani, Ali, Gesang -- Evbomoen, Philip, Tenor -- Gibson, Beau, Tenor -- Gifted and Talented Vocal Ensemble, Chor -- Houston Grand Opera Chorus, Chor -- Houston Grand Opera Orchestra, Orchester -- Kalamanglam, Giridhar, Tambura -- Lax, Leah, Dichter/Text -- McKinny, Ryan, Bassbariton -- Murthy, Samhitha, Tambura -- Shagimuratova, Albina, Sopran -- Sherman, Faith, Mezzosopran -- Summers, Patrick -- Theofanidis, Christopher, Komponist -- Trinh Dang, Julie, Zither
- Person(en): Theofanidis, Christopher ; Theofanidis, Christopher [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Choir ; Gifted and Talented Vocal Ensemble ; Houston Grand Opera Chorus ; Houston Grand Opera Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Refuge: Prologue - It's hard to … to … us to explain the kids that grew up in America or was born here (Bang, Samar, Central American Woman, Anthony, Valentina, Leah); Africa - May dad was always preaching (Chorus, Tenor, Soprano, Quartet, Men's Chorus, Baritone, Women's Chorus, Mezzo-soprano, Trio); I get to go to school (Children's Chorus, Baritone, Mezzo-soprano); Just all the time we want to sing our songs! (Children); Vietnam (Tenor, Mezzo-soprano, Bass-baritone); ... / Theofanidis, Christopher 01:58:14 --
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