Errante, Valerie - STEPHEN, P. / YANNAY, Y. / MOLLICONE, H. / DOWNEY, J. / FAITH, R.

- Titel: Errante, Valerie - STEPHEN, P. / YANNAY, Y. / MOLLICONE, H. / DOWNEY, J. / FAITH, R. / Vocal Recital. Brown, Thomas Edward, Dichter/Text -- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, Dichter/Text -- Cavafy, Constantine, Dichter/Text -- Dickinson, Emily, Dichter/Text -- Downey, John, Komponist -- Errante, Valerie, Sopran -- Faith, Richard, Komponist -- Ghalib al. Rusafi, Muhammad ibn, Dichter/Text -- Jakh, Ibn, Dichter/Text -- Komachi, Ono no, Dichter/Text -- Mollicone, Henry, Komponist -- Nashe, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Paulus, Stephen, Komponist -- Pearce, H., Dichter/Text -- Peterson, Jeffry, Klavier -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Sosei, Dichter/Text -- Tadamine, Mibu no, Dichter/Text -- Weinreis, Audrey, Dichter/Text -- Yakamochi, Otomo no, Dichter/Text -- Yannay, Yehuda, Komponist
- Person(en): Downey, John [Komposition] ; Faith, Richard [Komposition] ; Mollicone, Henry [Komposition] ; Paulus, Stephen [Komposition] ; Yannay, Yehuda [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Songs of Love and Longing: No. 1. Endless Autumn Nights; No. 2. The One Who Greets Me; No. 3. Dark Seed; No. 4. Echoes; No. 5. Moonless Nights; ... 00:10:48 -- Eros Reminisced: No. 1. Body Ballad; No. 2. Skin Memory; No. 3. Walking Yesterday; No. 4. Not Too Much Light 00:09:40 -- 5 Liebeslieder: No. 1. First Time He Kissed Me; No. 2. The Face of All the World; No. 3. Doctor Fell; No. 4. May's Love; No. 5. Song; ... 00:10:18 -- 3 Simple Songs: No. 1. There is Another Sky; No. 2. God Made a Little Gentian; No. 3. Poor Little Heart 00:06:50 -- Inclusions 00:02:48 -- I Love 00:02:13 -- A Sailor's Song 00:02:12 -- If I Were 00:01:43 -- Serene Evening 00:02:26 -- Leavetaking 00:02:19 -- Spring, the Sweet Spring 00:02:00 --
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