Book of Illuminations (The) / Auto da fe / The Lover's Departure at Dawn (Inching Through The Sunsplendid Dust) (Caballero, Kavina, Farnum)

- Titel: Book of Illuminations (The) / Auto da fe / The Lover's Departure at Dawn (Inching Through The Sunsplendid Dust) (Caballero, Kavina, Farnum) / GRANT, M.. Ahn, Jennifer, Violine -- Allen, Barbara, Harfe -- Blackwell, Virgil, Bass-Klarinette -- Caballero, Jorge, Gitarre -- Combes, Celine Gay des, Harfe -- Farnum, Elizabeth, Sopran -- Gilbert, Ilsa, Dichter/Text -- Gosling, Stephen, Klavier -- Grant, Mark N., Komponist -- Hirschman, Judy, Schlagwerk -- Hopkins, David, Komponist -- Hostetter, Paul -- Hughes, Markia, Violoncello -- Kavina, Lydia, Theremin -- Koo, Julia, Violine -- Nafziger, Sharla, Sopran -- Rodgers, Elizabeth, Klavier -- Silver, C.M., Dichter/Text -- Wilson, Carole, Sopran
- Person(en): Grant, Mark N. [Komposition] ; Hopkins, David [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2012
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Auto da fe / Grant, Mark N. 00:19:14 -- Alba: The Lover's Departure at Dawn / Grant, Mark N. 00:12:25 -- Bird of Paradise / Grant, Mark N. 00:07:52 -- The Book of Illuminations: No. 1. The Angel; No. 2. The Statue; No. 3. The Hunt; No. 4. The Serpent; No. 5. The Tree; ... / Grant, Mark N. 00:32:46 --
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