Choral Music (Music for an Urban Church) (Long Island Symphonic Choral Association, Saint Peter's Choir, Gregg Smith Singers, G. Smith)

- Titel: Choral Music (Music for an Urban Church) (Long Island Symphonic Choral Association, Saint Peter's Choir, Gregg Smith Singers, G. Smith) / SMITH, G.. Benz, Larry, Posaune -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Carbone, John, Kontrabass -- Cridge, Denise, Viola -- Deaver, Susan, Flöte -- Gifford, Bruce, Tenor -- Goeke, Matt, Violoncello -- Gregg Smith Singers, Chor -- Hane, Daniel, Fagott -- Jones, Gordon, Komponist -- Kittelson, Fay, Alt -- Larsson, Elsa, Alt -- Levanson, Michael, Schlagwerk -- Long Island Symphonic Choral Association, Chor -- Mass Text, Dichter/Text -- Orcutt, Eugene, Posaune -- Ornstein, Suzanne, Violine -- Rees, Rosalind, Sopran -- Richardson, Walter, Bass -- Rowthorn, Jeffery, Dichter/Text -- Saint Peter's Choir, Chor -- Smith, Gregg -- Stewart, Eric, Komponist -- Sturm, Madeline, Klarinette -- Sullivan, James, Komponist -- Updike, John, Dichter/Text -- Weber, Richard, Trompete -- Wright, Wayne, Gitarre
- Person(en): Jones, Gordon [Komposition] ; Stewart, Eric [Komposition] ; Sullivan, James [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Gregg Smith Singers ; Long Island Symphonic Choral Association ; Saint Peter's Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2014
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Jazz Mass for Saint Peter's: Kyrie; Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Benedictus; ... 00:28:26 -- Dedication Theme and Variations on Our Father by whose servants our house was built of old 00:09:42 -- Drake, "Lord you give the great commission" 00:04:53 -- 7 Stanzas at Easter 00:06:20 -- Songs from a Liberal Heart 00:08:34 -- Missa Brevis (Mass for Saint Peter's): Lord, Have Mercy; Glory to God; Holy, Holy - Hosanna - Blessed - Hosanna; Interlude - Lamb of God 00:13:15 --
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