Shacharit / Like Streams in the Desert / Ahavah

- Titel: Shacharit / Like Streams in the Desert / Ahavah / WARSHAUER. Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Gregory, Stephanie, Sopran -- Hendrick, Michael, Tenor -- Hines, Jennifer, Mezzosopran -- Potter, Carol, Gesang -- Slovak Philharmonic Chorus, Chor -- Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester -- Trevor, Kirk -- Warshauer, Meira, Komponist
- Person(en): Warshauer, Meira ; Warshauer, Meira [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Slovak Philharmonic Chorus ; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Shacharit: Baruch sheamer v'haya ha'olam (Blessed is the One who spoke); Kol haneshama t'haleil Kah (All who breathe (every soul) praise God); Bar'chu et Adoshem ham'vorach (Bless the Eternal One Who is blessed); Or chadash 'al tzion ta'ir (Shine a new light on Zion); Shma Yisrael Adoshem Elokeynu, Adoshem echad (Hear, Israel, the Eternal is our God); ... / Warshauer, Meira 00:35:05 -- Like Streams in the Desert / Warshauer, Meira 00:09:17 -- Ahavah (Liebe): I. Sh'ma (Hear/Listen); II. Hishamru (Beware); III. V'samtem (Place there words) / Warshauer, Meira 00:21:14 --
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