English Recorder Music from the Stuart Era)

- Titel: English Recorder Music from the Stuart Era) / Recorder Music - PURCELL, D. / ECCLES, S. / MERCY, L. / PAISIBLE, J. / FINGER, G. (The Business of Angels. Corelli, Arcangelo, Komponist -- Eccles, Solomon, Komponist -- Finger, Gottfried, Komponist -- Forster,, Komponist -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Harris, Lucas, Theorbe -- Jackson, Nadina Mackie, Barock-Fagott -- Medicky, Borys, Cembalo -- Melville, Alison, Blockflöte -- Mercy, Luis, Komponist -- Morton, Joelle, Viola da gamba -- Paisible, James, Komponist -- Purcell, Daniel, Komponist -- Tollett, Thomas, Komponist -- Topham, William, Komponist -- Williams,, Komponist
- Person(en): Corelli, Arcangelo [Komposition] ; Eccles, Solomon [Komposition] ; Finger, Gottfried [Komposition] ; Forster, [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Mercy, Luis [Komposition] ; Paisible, James [Komposition] ; Purcell, Daniel [Komposition] ; Tollett, Thomas [Komposition] ; Topham, William [Komposition] ; Williams, [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Pipistrelle Music, 2010
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Rinaldo HWV 7 (bearb. für Blockflöte und Ensemble) 00:05:46 -- Flute Solo No. 2: I. Vivace; II. Largo; III. Allegro; IV. Adagio; V. Allegro; ... 00:04:32 -- The Division Flute: Division on a Ground "Bellamira" 00:02:27 -- Sonate für Blockflöte Nr. 6 op. 2: 1. Adagio; II. Ciaccone: Allegro 00:05:18 -- Salter Humphrey: The Genteel Companion: A Song, Sence Other Beautys Charmes Your Hart; Now the Toryes the Gloryes 00:01:32 -- The Complete Flute Master: Menuett 00:01:00 -- Sonate für Blockflöte d-Moll (Französische Nationalbibliothek, Res. Vma. Ms. 700 Nr. 6): IV. [Presto]; III. Grave - Adagio; II. Presto; I. Prelude 00:06:17 -- The Division of Flute 00:02:24 -- James Hart: Synopsis Musicae der The Musical Inventory 00:00:53 -- The Complete Instructor to the Flute: 2. Buch 00:01:27 -- Sonate für Blockflöte Nr. 4 g-Moll op. 3: IV. Presto; III. Adagio; II. Vivace; 1. Adagio 00:03:34 -- Sonate für Blockflöte Nr. 2 op. 2: I. Grave; II. Vivace; III. Adagio; IV. Allegro 00:05:03 -- Divisions on a Ground 00:03:18 -- The Complete Flute Master: Jigg 00:00:34 -- James Hart: Synopsis Musicae der The Musical Inventory 00:01:53 -- Sonate für Violine d-Moll op. 5 Nr. 12 "La Follia" (bearb. für Blockflöte und Basso continuo) 00:11:10 --
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