Breedt, Michelle - ELGAR, E. / ARNE, T.A. / HORDER, M. / QUILTER, R. / COATES, E. / HARRISON, J. (Shakespeare Inspired)

- Titel: Breedt, Michelle - ELGAR, E. / ARNE, T.A. / HORDER, M. / QUILTER, R. / COATES, E. / HARRISON, J. (Shakespeare Inspired) / Vocal Recital. Arne, Thomas Augustine, Komponist -- Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, Dichter/Text -- Breedt, Michelle, Sopran -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Bush, Geoffrey, Komponist -- Coates, Eric, Komponist -- De la Mare, Walter, Dichter/Text -- Del Riego, Teresa, Komponist -- Delius, Frederick, Komponist -- Findlay, Stuart, Komponist -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong, Komponist -- Gurney, Ivor, Komponist -- Harrison, Julius, Klavier -- Head, Michael, Komponist -- Horder, Mervyn, Komponist -- Ledwidge, Francis, Dichter/Text -- Noyes, Alfred, Dichter/Text -- O'Sullivan, Seumas, Dichter/Text -- Parry, Hubert, Komponist -- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Dichter/Text -- Salmon, Arthur Leslie, Dichter/Text -- Schumann, Nina, Klavier -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Dichter/Text -- Tennyson, Alfred, Dichter/Text -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Walton, William, Komponist
- Person(en): Arne, Thomas Augustine [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Bush, Geoffrey [Komposition] ; Coates, Eric [Komposition] ; Del Riego, Teresa [Komposition] ; Delius, Frederick [Komposition] ; Findlay, Stuart [Komposition] ; Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong [Komposition] ; Gurney, Ivor [Komposition] ; Head, Michael [Komposition] ; Horder, Mervyn [Komposition] ; Parry, Hubert [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Walton, William [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: TwoPianists, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Pageant of Empire 00:02:47 -- When Daisies Pied 00:03:00 -- When Daisies Pied 00:01:51 -- 4 Lieder nach Gedichten von Shakespeare op. 30 00:01:19 -- 4 Alt englische Lieder: Who Is Sylvia?; Orpheus With His Lute 00:05:34 -- I Know a Bank 00:02:28 -- English Lyrics, Serie 2 00:01:22 -- The Poor Soul Sat Sighing 00:02:29 -- English Lyrics, Serie 2 00:02:29 -- Fancie 00:00:57 -- As You Like It: Under the Greenwood Tree 00:01:46 -- 7 Lieder 00:01:34 -- English Lyrics, Serie 2 00:01:34 -- Take, O Take Those Lips Away op. 22 Nr. 1 00:01:42 -- It was a lover and his lass 00:01:56 -- 7 Lieder op. 12 "Elizabethan Lyrics" 00:02:15 -- The Homecoming of the Sheep 00:03:42 -- Silver op. 30 Nr. 2 00:03:17 -- 5 Elizabethan Songs (Text von J. Fletcher) 00:02:56 -- Homing 00:02:15 -- A Piper 00:01:26 -- 7 Norwegische Lieder (Text von B. Bjornson) 00:03:48 -- English Lyrics, Serie 4 00:03:22 -- Pleading op. 48 00:03:01 -- Hark! Hark! the lark 00:01:00 -- The House of Life 00:04:27 -- 3 Lieder op. 3 (Text von A. Tennyson und P.B. Shelley) 00:01:28 --
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