Songs (A Diamond Jubilee) (Williams, Lehrman)

- Titel: Songs (A Diamond Jubilee) (Williams, Lehrman) / DIAMOND, D.. Bunyan, John, Dichter/Text -- Cummings, E. E., Dichter/Text -- Deutsch, Babette, Dichter/Text -- Diamond, David, Komponist -- Hardy, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Joyce, James, Dichter/Text -- Keats, John, Dichter/Text -- La Fontaine, Jean de, Autor -- Lehrman, Leonard, Klavier -- Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron), , Dichter/Text -- Mansfield, Katherine, Dichter/Text -- Melville, Herman, Dichter/Text -- Monroe, Marilyn, Gesang -- Patchen, Kenneth, Dichter/Text -- Porter, Katherine Anne, Dichter/Text -- Rilke, Rainer Maria, Dichter/Text -- Roethke, Theodore, Dichter/Text -- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Logan Pearsall, Dichter/Text -- Stein, Gertrude, Dichter/Text -- Thomas, Dylan, Dichter/Text -- Williams, Helene, Sopran
- Person(en): Diamond, David ; Diamond, David [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Albany, 2005
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Even though the world keeps changing / Diamond, David 00:02:24 -- As life what is so sweet / Diamond, David 00:01:40 -- Anniversary in a Country Cemetery / Diamond, David 00:01:40 -- Souvent j'ai dit a mon mari / Diamond, David 00:00:53 -- Sister Jane / Diamond, David 00:00:50 -- My Little Mother / Diamond, David 00:01:35 -- Roman Sketches, Op. 7 / Diamond, David 00:02:27 -- Music, when soft voices die / Diamond, David 00:00:53 -- Somewhere / Diamond, David 00:03:26 -- Epitaph on the Death of a Young Cavalryman / Diamond, David 00:01:41 -- My spirit will not haunt the mound / Diamond, David 00:01:58 -- This world is not my home / Diamond, David 00:01:06 -- The shepherd boy sings in the valley of humiliation / Diamond, David 00:01:50 -- Brigid's Song / Diamond, David 00:01:04 -- Be Music, Night / Diamond, David 00:02:15 -- Chatterton / Diamond, David 00:03:15 -- Love is More / Diamond, David 00:02:27 -- My Papa's Waltz / Diamond, David 00:01:08 -- Homage to Paul Klee / Diamond, David 00:02:09 -- I am Rose / Diamond, David 00:00:55 -- Don't Cry / Diamond, David 00:00:51 -- Hebräische Melodien: No. 1. My Soul is Dark; No. 2. If that High World; No. 3. Saul; No. 4. All is Vanity / Diamond, David 00:21:04 --
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