Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo / Symphony No. 1 / To the Fruits of My Land / Resuscitation (Around the World with Tsippi Fleisher)

- Titel: Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo / Symphony No. 1 / To the Fruits of My Land / Resuscitation (Around the World with Tsippi Fleisher) / FLEISCHER, T.. Abd al-Sabur, Salah, Dichter/Text -- Bjorå, Øyvind, Violine -- Conquer, Emmanuel, Violine -- Coonce, Claudia, Oboe -- Duo Contemporain, Ensemble -- Fleischer, Tsippi, Komponist -- Furuhashi, Fujio -- Fuxon, Sara, Klavier -- Glab, Elisabeth, Violine -- Heled, Simca, Violoncello -- Kamy, Hassan, Tenor -- Keshet Eilon Ensemble, Ensemble -- Krakauer, David, Klarinette -- Lasker-Schüler, Else, Dichter/Text -- Lavan, Orly, Gitarre -- Maghut, Muhammad al, Dichter/Text -- Mairesse, Anne Marie, Violine -- Michelow, Sybil, Kontraalt -- NHK Tokyo Children Chorus, Chor -- Rifka, Faud, Autor -- Rodrigo, Jose Luis, Gitarre -- Rogel, Naomi, Blockflöte -- Stinton, Jennifer, Flöte -- Ward, Timothy, Fagott -- Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchester -- Wilgowicz, Gerard -- Yalan-Stekelis, Miriam, Dichter/Text -- Zimbalista, Chen, Schlagwerk -- Zygel, Jean-Francois, Komponist
- Person(en): Fleischer, Tsippi [Komposition] ; Zygel, Jean-Francois [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Duo Contemporain ; Keshet Eilon Ensemble ; NHK Tokyo Children Chorus ; Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Vienna Modern Masters, 1998
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: In Chromatic Mood op. 19 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:03:34 -- Masks and Pipes / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:03:22 -- The Clock Wants to Sleep op. 7 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:04:15 -- Resuscitation op. 6: No. 1. Presto; No. 2. Moderato; No. 3. Allegro alla scherza; No. 4. Furioso; No. 5. Lento (molto expressivo); ... / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:05:24 -- 10 Fragmente op. 15: No. 1. Obligato; No. 2. Chorale a la Aria; No. 4. Quasi Folk Dance; No. 6. Oboe solo; No. 7. Clusters; ... / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:05:23 -- Piece of Earth (Fassung für Gesang, Flöte und Gitarre) / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:02:41 -- Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo op. 20 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:15:55 -- To the Fruits of My Land op. 8: I. Introduction; II. Scherzando; III. Largo; IV. Brillante / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:08:55 -- War op. 23 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:05:34 -- Mein Volk op. 32 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:02:34 -- Girl Butterfly Girl op. 4: No. 1. Piece of Earth; No. 3. The Coffin with its Lid Remote / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:05:22 -- Sinfonie Nr. 1 op. 33 "Salt Crystals" / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:10:10 -- Strings – Bow und Arrow op. 30 / Fleischer, Tsippi 00:03:46 --
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