VOICE OF AUSTRALIA (COMPLETE), Vols. 1 and 2 (W. Dixon, D. Miller, T. Collins)

- Titel: VOICE OF AUSTRALIA (COMPLETE), Vols. 1 and 2 (W. Dixon, D. Miller, T. Collins). Adamson, Jane, Dichter/Text -- Baglin, Ross, Dichter/Text -- Beath, Betty, Komponist -- Berry, Rhonda, Komponist -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Brumby, Colin, Komponist -- Butterley, Nigel, Komponist -- Cooper, Ian, Knaben-Sopran -- Couvre, Jane de, Dichter/Text -- Cronin, Stephen, Komponist -- Dickinson, Emily, Dichter/Text -- Dixon, Hugh, Komponist -- Dixon, Wendy, Sopran -- Edwards, Ross, Komponist -- Glynn, Gerald, Komponist -- Greenbaum, Stuart, Komponist -- Harwood, Gwen, Dichter/Text -- Hiscocks, Wendy, Klavier -- Keeffe, David, Komponist -- Kerry, Gordon, Komponist -- Kobayashi, Issa, Dichter/Text -- Levy, Esther, Dichter/Text -- Li Bai, , Dichter/Text -- March, Kevin, Komponist -- Martin, David -- McCahey, Pat, Dichter/Text -- Miller, David, Klavier -- Mohamad, Goenawan, Dichter/Text -- Paviour, Paul, Komponist -- Pearce, Trevor, Komponist -- Penberthy, James, Komponist -- Peterson, John, Komponist -- Petrarca, Francesco, Dichter/Text -- Podlich, Aubrey, Dichter/Text -- Rilke, Rainer Maria, Dichter/Text -- Rossetti, Christina, Dichter/Text -- Sappho, Dichter/Text -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Smalley, Roger, Komponist -- Sutherland, Margaret, Komponist -- Wesley-Smith, Martin, Komponist -- Wesley-Smith, Peter, Dichter/Text -- Wright, Judith, Dichter/Text -- Yates, Stephen, Komponist
- Person(en): Beath, Betty [Komposition] ; Berry, Rhonda [Komposition] ; Brumby, Colin [Komposition] ; Butterley, Nigel [Komposition] ; Cronin, Stephen [Komposition] ; Dixon, Hugh [Komposition] ; Edwards, Ross [Komposition] ; Glynn, Gerald [Komposition] ; Greenbaum, Stuart [Komposition] ; Keeffe, David [Komposition] ; Kerry, Gordon [Komposition] ; March, Kevin [Komposition] ; Paviour, Paul [Komposition] ; Pearce, Trevor [Komposition] ; Penberthy, James [Komposition] ; Peterson, John [Komposition] ; Smalley, Roger [Komposition] ; Sutherland, Margaret [Komposition] ; Wesley-Smith, Martin [Komposition] ; Yates, Stephen [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Wirripang, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: First Person Feminine: No. 3. —; No. 4. — 00:02:35 -- Strange Requiem 00:02:45 -- 5 Shakespeare Songs 00:03:07 -- Eternity's Sunrise 00:02:26 -- I Am Black 00:01:32 -- Frogs: No. 1. —; No. 2. —; No. 3. — 00:02:34 -- 3 Italian Songs 00:03:43 -- Each thoughtless day 00:02:12 -- When the wind sighs 00:02:00 -- Night after Bushfire 00:02:03 -- 3 Songs of Sleep 00:02:49 -- Asmaradana 00:03:18 -- Turning Fifty 00:04:20 -- 8 Songs of Eve 00:01:10 -- To Say Before Going to Sleep 00:03:09 -- She Wore a Black Ribbon (version for voice and piano) 00:03:50 -- In the garden 00:01:17 -- Golden Boy 00:03:43 -- The Rose of Amherst 00:04:13 -- Rilke Songs 00:02:40 -- 4 Haiku 00:01:39 -- Of A Noble Race She Came 00:03:18 -- Bush Christmas 00:03:29 -- The Jade Harp 00:02:37 -- Mythweaver 00:02:45 -- Five Senses 00:03:33 --
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