Sound the trumpet, beat the drum / BLOW, J.: Ah heav'n! what is't I hear (Elegy) (I. Davies, J. Hall, King's Consort, R. King)

- Titel: Ah heav'n! what is't I hear (Elegy) (I. Davies, J. Hall, King's Consort, R. King) / PURCELL, H.. Betterton, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Blow, John, Komponist -- Brady, Nicholas, Dichter/Text -- Davies, Iestyn, Countertenor -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Hall, James, Countertenor -- Herbert, R., Dichter/Text -- King, Robert, Sopran -- King's Consort, Chor -- Parker, Henry, Dichter/Text -- Philips, Katherine, Dichter/Text -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Shadwell, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Blow, John [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): King's Consort
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: VIVAT, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Hark! How the songsters von the grove 00:03:00 -- Hail, bright Cecilia Z 328 00:06:20 -- O solitude, my sweetest choice Z 406 00:05:40 -- The Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian Z 627 00:02:44 -- Ah heav'n! what is't I hear 00:03:31 -- Sound the trumpet, beat the drum Z 335 00:02:23 -- The Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian Z 627 00:04:09 -- Bonduca Z 574 "The British Heroine" 00:02:36 -- Paratum cor meum 00:02:22 -- Incassum, Lesbia Z 383 "Queen's Epicedium" 00:07:37 -- No, Lesbia, no, you ask in vain 00:07:07 -- O dive custos Auriacae domus Z. 504 00:06:26 -- An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell: Mark how the lark and linner sing; But in the close of the night; So ceas'd the rival crew; We beg not Hell; The pow'r of harmony too well they knew; ... 00:23:27 --
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