Amots, Ayelet - RAVEL, M. / BRITTEN, B. / BARTÓK, B. / BRAUN, Y. (Voyage - A Journey in Song)

- Titel: Amots, Ayelet - RAVEL, M. / BRITTEN, B. / BARTÓK, B. / BRAUN, Y. (Voyage - A Journey in Song) / Vocal Recital (Mezzo-Soprano). Amots, Ayelet, Sopran -- Bartók, Béla, Komponist -- Braga, Ernani, Komponist -- Braun, Yehezkel, Komponist -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Ferreira, Alfredo, Dichter/Text -- Obradors, Fernando, Komponist -- Pia, Manduca, Dichter/Text -- Villa-Lobos, Heitor, Komponist -- Zak, Jonathan, Klavier -- de Andrade, Mário, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Bartók, Béla [Komposition] ; Braga, Ernani [Komposition] ; Braun, Yehezkel [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Obradors, Fernando [Komposition] ; Villa-Lobos, Heitor [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Romeo Records, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 5 Melodies populaires grecques: No. 1. Le Reveil de la mariee; No. 2. La-bas, vers l'eglise; No. 3. Quel galant m'est comparable; No. 4. Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques; No. 5. Tout gai!; ... 00:07:41 -- Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 1, "British Isles": No. 1. The Salley Gardens; No. 6. The Ash Grove; No. 5. The trees they grow so high 00:10:15 -- Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 3, "British Isles": (Auszüge): Nr. 16. The plough boy; No. 5. The Foggy, Foggy Dew 00:04:31 -- The last rose of summer 00:04:12 -- Folk Song Arrangements, Vol. 1, "British Isles" 00:00:50 -- A casinha pequenina (arr. E. Braga for voice and piano) 00:02:58 -- Serestas: No. 5. Modinha (text by P. Manduca) 00:02:06 -- Cancoes tipicas brasileiras (text by M. de Andrade) 00:04:48 -- Cancao Do Poeta Seculo XVIII 00:02:49 -- O'Kinimbá (arr. E. Braga for voice and piano) 00:02:23 -- Cancoes tipicas brasileiras (Traditional text) 00:01:15 -- Engenho novo! (New machine!) (arr. E. Braga for voice and piano) 00:01:49 -- Falun (Dedinské scény, Village Scenes), BB 87a: No. 1. Szenagyujteskor (Ej! hrabajze len, Haymaking); No. 2. A menyasszonynal (Letia pavy, letia, At the bride's); No. 3. Lakodalom (A ty Anca krasna, Wedding); No. 4. Bolcsodal (Beli zemi, beli, Lullaby); No. 5. Legenytanc (Poza bucky, poza pen, Lads' dance); ... 00:12:09 -- 3 Sephardic Romaces: No. 1. Durme, durme (Sleep, sleep); No. 2. Esta Rachel la estimoza (It is Rachel, the estimated); No. 3. Morenica a mi me llaman (they call me blackie) 00:08:57 -- Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 in A-Dur, KV 414 00:02:19 -- Canciones Clasicas Españolas, Vol. 1 00:02:50 --
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