5 Songs on the Text of William Blake / Love Songs (Old and New Poetry) (Guardia, Savoy, Yoko Hagino, Brandwein, T. Phillips, Staudlin)

- Titel: 5 Songs on the Text of William Blake / Love Songs (Old and New Poetry) (Guardia, Savoy, Yoko Hagino, Brandwein, T. Phillips, Staudlin) / VOLLRATH, C.. Blake, William, Dichter/Text -- Brandwein, Nathan, Klavier -- Brown, John Gracen, Dichter/Text -- Guardia, Aliana de la, Mezzosopran -- Hagino, Yoko, Klavier -- Phillips, Timothy, Klarinette -- Savoy, Emalie, Sopran -- Staudlin, Philipp, Tenor-Saxophon -- Teasdale, Sara, Dichter/Text -- Vollrath, Carl, Komponist
- Person(en): Vollrath, Carl ; Vollrath, Carl [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Navona, 2021
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: 5 Songs on the Text of William Blake: No. 1. The Wild Flowers Song; No. 2. Eternity; No. 3. The Angel; No. 4. The Fly; No. 5. The Sick Rose; ... / Vollrath, Carl 00:06:50 -- Love Songs: No. 1. Barter; No. 2. Faults; No. 3. Child, Child; No. 4. After Love; No. 5. Gifts; ... / Vollrath, Carl 00:15:05 -- Variations in Verse - Rural Poems: No. 1. Variations on the Moon; No. 2. Early Spring; No. 3. Beside the Lake; No. 4. Upon Looking Up into the Sky; No. 5. Night is Coming; ... / Vollrath, Carl 00:32:50 --
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