Gilchrist, James - DICKINSON, P. / WOOLRICH, J. / POOLE, G. / DRING, M. (One Hundred Years of British Song, Vol. 3)

- Titel: Gilchrist, James - DICKINSON, P. / WOOLRICH, J. / POOLE, G. / DRING, M. (One Hundred Years of British Song, Vol. 3) / Vocal Recital (Tenor). Auden, Wystan Hugh, Dichter/Text -- Betjeman, John, Dichter/Text -- Dickinson, Peter, Komponist -- Dring, Madeleine, Komponist -- Gilchrist, James, Tenor -- Heiser, Bryan, Dichter/Text -- Poole, Geoffrey, Komponist -- Stevens, Wallace, Dichter/Text -- Sweeney, Matthew, Dichter/Text -- Williamson, Nathan, Klavier -- Woolf, Virginia, Dichter/Text -- Woolrich, John, Komponist
- Person(en): Dickinson, Peter [Komposition] ; Dring, Madeleine [Komposition] ; Poole, Geoffrey [Komposition] ; Woolrich, John [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: SOMM Recordings, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Let the Florid Music 00:04:08 -- 4 Lieder: No. 1. Look, stranger on this island now; No. 2. Eyes, look into the well; No. 3. Carry her over the water; No. 4. What's in your mind, my dove, my coney 00:09:30 -- 5 Lieder nach Texten von Betjeman: No. 1. A Bay in Anglesey; No. 2. Song of a nightclub proprietress; No. 3. Business Girls; No. 2. Undenominational; No. 4. Upper Lambourne; ... 00:12:57 -- The Little That Was Once a Man: No. 1. In someone else's poem; No. 5. Moon at rest; No. 4. Not being… (II) Misunderstanding; No. 3. Not being… (I) The ordinary way; No. 2. 4 a.m.; ... 00:14:22 -- The Unlit Suburbs: No. 1. The Submerged Bar; No. 2. Rat Town; No. 3. The Ghost Choir 00:02:39 -- Intermezzo 00:04:46 -- The Eye of the Blackbird: No. 1. Twenty snowy mountains; No. 2. The Autumn Wind; No. 3. I Was of Three Minds; No. 4. Which to Prefer; No. 5. Icicles; ... 00:17:40 --
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