CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF 2011 - Rejoice, Give Thanks, and Sing (2011 St. Olaf Christmas Festival) (Amundson, Armstrong, Aspaas, Ferguson, Johnson)

- Titel: CHRISTMAS AT ST. OLAF 2011 - Rejoice, Give Thanks, and Sing (2011 St. Olaf Christmas Festival) (Amundson, Armstrong, Aspaas, Ferguson, Johnson). Amundson, Steven -- Armstrong, Anton -- Bach, Johann Sebastian, Komponist -- Bengtson, David, Dichter/Text -- Benson, W. Bruce, Sprecher -- Bible, Dichter/Text -- Bible - New Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bourgoin, Andrew, Klavier -- Brecht, Bertolt, Dichter/Text -- Britten, Benjamin, Komponist -- Childs, David, Komponist -- Cornysh (II), William, Dichter/Text -- Een, Andrea, Geige -- Elgar, Edward, Komponist -- Gray, Charles, Viola -- Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin, Dichter/Text -- Gunderson, Joy, Harfe -- Hovland, Egil, Komponist -- Jean de Brébeuf, , Dichter/Text -- Johnson, Sigrid -- Knudsen, Peter, Komponist -- Koenig, Jennifer Anderson, Erzähler -- Leighton, Kenneth, Komponist -- Manitou Singers, Chor -- Mendelssohn, Felix, Komponist -- Mother Thekla,, Dichter/Text -- Orchard, Devin, Schlagwerk -- Scriven, Stanford E., Komponist -- Shevik, Anna, Sopran -- Sidney, Philip, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Todd, Komponist -- Smith, Joshua, Dichter/Text -- Southwell, Robert, Dichter/Text -- St. Olaf Cantorei, Chor -- St. Olaf Chapel Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Handbell Choir, Chor -- St. Olaf Orchestra, Orchester -- Stanford, Charles Villiers, Komponist -- Tavener, John, Komponist -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Viking Chorus, Chor -- Wade, John Francis, Komponist -- Wedderburn, James, Dichter/Text -- Wedderburn, John, Dichter/Text -- Wedderburn, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Wesley, Charles, Dichter/Text -- Wexelsen, Marie, Dichter/Text -- Weyse, Christoph Ernst Friedrich, Komponist
- Person(en): Bach, Johann Sebastian [Komposition] ; Britten, Benjamin [Komposition] ; Childs, David [Komposition] ; Elgar, Edward [Komposition] ; Hovland, Egil [Komposition] ; Knudsen, Peter [Komposition] ; Leighton, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Mendelssohn, Felix [Komposition] ; Scriven, Stanford E. [Komposition] ; Smith, Todd [Komposition] ; Stanford, Charles Villiers [Komposition] ; Tavener, John [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Wade, John Francis [Komposition] ; Weyse, Christoph Ernst Friedrich [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Manitou Singers ; St. Olaf Cantorei ; St. Olaf Chapel Choir ; St. Olaf Choir ; St. Olaf Handbell Choir ; St. Olaf Orchestra ; Viking Chorus
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: St. Olaf Records, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Variationen über ein Originalthema op. 36 "Enigma" 00:04:29 -- Narration of Pastor W. Bruce Benson (1) 00:00:53 -- As the Dark Awaits the Dawn 00:03:12 -- Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:04:12 -- Te Deum laudamus 00:04:40 -- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and viola) 00:04:38 -- Huron Carol, "Twas in the Moon of Wintertime" (arr. C. Aspaas for choir) 00:03:00 -- O Day Full of Grace (arr. F.M. Christiansen for choir) 00:03:36 -- Deepest Heart 00:05:11 -- A Hymn of the Nativity 00:03:56 -- God's Word is Our Great Heritage (Tune: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80) 00:03:57 -- Gospel Reading by Pastor W. Bruce Benson and Pastor Jennifer Anderson Koenig 00:02:42 -- O Come All Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles) (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:06 -- Shepherd's Pipe Carol 00:02:34 -- Today the Virgin 00:02:27 -- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (arr. P.J. Christiansen for choir) 00:02:46 -- A Ceremony of Carols op. 28 00:01:35 -- Christ the Apple Tree 00:03:39 -- The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy (arr. A.J. Thomas for choir) 00:02:29 -- Noel (bearb. von B. Holmes) 00:03:01 -- Festgesang, MWV D4, "Gutenberg-Kantate": No. 2. (adap. W.H. Cummings as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) (arr. J. Ferguson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:16 -- Ring Gladsome Bells 00:03:55 -- Carols from Scandinavia (arr. S. Amundson for choir and orchestra) 00:03:54 -- Jeg er så glad hver julekveld (arr. R. Scholz for choir and orchestra) 00:01:42 -- Lullaby on Christmas Eve 00:04:00 -- Psalm 50 00:02:35 -- Narration of Pastor W. Bruce Benson (2) 00:01:01 -- Ring out your bells 00:06:23 -- Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 00:04:21 -- Narration of Pastor W. Bruce Benson (3) 00:00:37 -- Bli hos oss (Bleib bei uns) op. 87 Nr. 3 00:02:55 -- Beautiful Savior 00:01:43 --
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