Nigl, Georg - CACCINI, G. / DONI, G.A. / FERRARI, B. / HANDEL, G.F. / MONTEVERDI, C. / PURCELL, H. (Guerra amorosa)

- Titel: Nigl, Georg - CACCINI, G. / DONI, G.A. / FERRARI, B. / HANDEL, G.F. / MONTEVERDI, C. / PURCELL, H. (Guerra amorosa) / Vocal Recital (Baritone). Betterton, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Caccini, Giulio, Komponist -- Doni, Gioseppe Antonio, Komponist -- Dryden, John, Dichter/Text -- Ferrari, Benedetto, Komponist -- Ghielmi, Vittorio, Viola da gamba -- Guarini, Giovanni Battista, Dichter/Text -- Handel, George Frideric, Komponist -- Legrenzi, Giovanni, Komponist -- Melli, Pietro Paolo, Komponist -- Milanuzzi, Carlo, Dichter/Text -- Monteverdi, Claudio, Komponist -- Nigl, Georg, Bariton -- Norcombe, Daniel, Komponist -- Pianca, Luca, Laute -- Purcell, Henry, Komponist -- Rasi, Francesco, Dichter/Text -- Rinuccini, Ottavio, Dichter/Text -- Rossi, Luigi, Komponist -- Rossi, Giacomo, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Caccini, Giulio [Komposition] ; Doni, Gioseppe Antonio [Komposition] ; Ferrari, Benedetto [Komposition] ; Handel, George Frideric [Komposition] ; Legrenzi, Giovanni [Komposition] ; Melli, Pietro Paolo [Komposition] ; Monteverdi, Claudio [Komposition] ; Norcombe, Daniel [Komposition] ; Purcell, Henry [Komposition] ; Rossi, Luigi [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Passacaille, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Indian Queen Z 630 00:05:38 -- The Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian Z 627 00:01:16 -- King Arthur or The British Worthy Z 628 00:01:38 -- Dalla guerra amorosa HWV 102a 00:08:24 -- Toccata dell'Arcangeli 00:02:05 -- Voglio di vita uscire 00:03:37 -- Scherzi musicali (1632): Ecco di dolci raggi il sol armato 00:02:25 -- Si dolce e'l tormento SV 332 00:02:09 -- O che felice giorno 00:03:23 -- Dolcissimo sospiro 00:02:34 -- La bella man vi stringo 00:02:26 -- Gagliarda, "La Claudiana" 00:01:43 -- Tra pellegrine piante 00:06:27 -- Non m'uccider, gelosia 00:04:26 -- Tregian's Ground 00:04:56 -- This poet sings the Trojan wars Z 423 "Anacreon's Defeat" 00:04:07 -- Rinaldo HWV 7 00:03:44 -- The Mock Marriage Z 605 00:00:58 --
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