Parting with the Wild Geese (The) (Royal Swedish Army Band, Hanson)


Byström, Britta

  • Titel: Parting with the Wild Geese (The) (Royal Swedish Army Band, Hanson) / BYSTRÖM, B.. Byström, Britta, Komponist -- Hanson, Andreas -- Royal Swedish Army Band, Orchester
  • Person(en): Byström, Britta ; Byström, Britta [Komposition]
  • Organisation(en): Royal Swedish Army Band
  • Umfang: Online-Ressource
  • Erschienen: Nilento Records, 2022
  • Anmerkungen: Avsked från vildgässen (The Parting with the Wild Geese) / Byström, Britta 00:15:28 --