Songs / HOWE, F.: Folk Song Arrangements (Harvey, Austin)

- Titel: Folk Song Arrangements (Harvey, Austin) / WARLOCK, P.. Austin, Mark, Klavier -- Belloc, Hilaire, Dichter/Text -- Blunt, Bruce, Dichter/Text -- Breton, Nicholas, Dichter/Text -- Clare, John, Dichter/Text -- Fletcher, John, Dichter/Text -- Harvey, Anna, Mezzosopran -- Hunter, Harry, Dichter/Text -- Luther, Martin, Dichter/Text -- Mabbe, James, Dichter/Text -- Nichols, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Rojas, Fernando de, Dichter/Text -- Shakespeare, William, Dichter/Text -- Shanks, Edward, Dichter/Text -- Stevenson, Robert Louis, Dichter/Text -- Symons, Arthur, Dichter/Text -- Warlock, Peter, Komponist -- Wedderburn, James, Dichter/Text -- Wedderburn, John, Dichter/Text -- Wedderburn, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Wyatt, Thomas, Dichter/Text -- Yeats, William Butler, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Warlock, Peter [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Rubicon Classics, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Pretty Ring Time 00:01:39 -- The bayley berith the bell away 00:03:05 -- Autumn Twilight 00:02:56 -- Little Trotty Wagtail 00:01:19 -- Late Summer 00:02:36 -- Sleep 00:03:04 -- The Water Lily 00:02:01 -- The Magpie 00:02:05 -- Master Kilby (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:02:01 -- The Banks of Sweet Primroses (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:03:06 -- Bushes and Briars (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:02:41 -- Sweet William (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:02:42 -- The Birds 00:01:17 -- Balulalow 00:02:10 -- 3 Belloc-Lieder 00:02:39 -- The First Mercy 00:02:23 -- Adam lay ybounden 00:01:10 -- Six Dukes Went a-Fishing (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:03:33 -- The Unquiet Grave (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:04:42 -- Farewell, My Dearest Nancy (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:03:44 -- Geordie (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:05:23 -- My Boy Willie (arr. F. Howe for voice and piano) 00:01:23 -- Bright is the ring of words 00:01:45 -- Romanze 00:01:43 -- The Everlasting Voices 00:01:56 -- Queen Anne 00:01:02 -- And wilt thou leave me thus? 00:02:10 -- As ever I saw 00:01:40 -- 7 Songs of Summer (text by F. de Rojas and J. Mabbe) 00:01:50 -- Fair and True 00:02:47 --
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