Manchester Cathedral Choir - BOYCE, W. / BUCK, P. / DYKES, J.B. / GARRETT, G.M. / GOSS, J. (The Complete New English Hymnal, Vol. 18)

- Titel: Manchester Cathedral Choir - BOYCE, W. / BUCK, P. / DYKES, J.B. / GARRETT, G.M. / GOSS, J. (The Complete New English Hymnal, Vol. 18) / Choral Concert. Abelard, Peter, Dichter/Text -- Ainger, Arthur Campbell, Dichter/Text -- Alexander, Cecil Frances, Dichter/Text -- Baring-Gould, Sabine, Dichter/Text -- Bible - Old Testament, Dichter/Text -- Bonar, Horatius, Dichter/Text -- Bourne, George Hugh, Dichter/Text -- Boyce, William, Komponist -- Brady, Nicholas, Dichter/Text -- Bright, William, Dichter/Text -- Buck, Percy, Komponist -- Dykes, John Bacchus, Komponist -- Garrett, George Mursell, Komponist -- Goss, John, Komponist -- Greenwood, Hilary, Dichter/Text -- Harris, William Henry, Komponist -- Haydn, Michael, Komponist -- Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, Dichter/Text -- Howells, Herbert, Komponist -- Ingemann, Bernhard Severin, Dichter/Text -- Jeboult, Harold Arthur, Komponist -- John of Damascus, Dichter/Text -- Kingham, Millicent D., Komponist -- Lacey, Thomas Alexander, Dichter/Text -- Lyte, Henry Francis, Dichter/Text -- Makinson, Jeffrey, Orgel -- Manchester Cathedral Choir, Chor -- Martin, George Clement, Komponist -- Montgomery, James, Dichter/Text -- Moultrie, Gerard, Dichter/Text -- Murray, Andrew, Komponist -- Murray, Gregory, Komponist -- Murray, Dom Gregory, Dichter/Text -- Neale, John Mason, Dichter/Text -- Parsons, Robert, Dichter/Text -- Pierpoint, Folliott Sanford, Dichter/Text -- Rees, Timothy, Dichter/Text -- Shephard, Richard, Komponist -- Stokes, Christopher -- Tate, Nahum, Dichter/Text -- Thring, Godfrey, Dichter/Text -- Vaughan Williams, Ralph, Komponist -- Watts, Isaac, Dichter/Text -- Wilson, Hugh, Komponist -- Woodward, George Ratcliffe, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Boyce, William [Komposition] ; Buck, Percy [Komposition] ; Dykes, John Bacchus [Komposition] ; Garrett, George Mursell [Komposition] ; Goss, John [Komposition] ; Harris, William Henry [Komposition] ; Haydn, Michael [Komposition] ; Howells, Herbert [Komposition] ; Jeboult, Harold Arthur [Komposition] ; Kingham, Millicent D. [Komposition] ; Martin, George Clement [Komposition] ; Murray, Andrew [Komposition] ; Murray, Gregory [Komposition] ; Shephard, Richard [Komposition] ; Vaughan Williams, Ralph [Komposition] ; Wilson, Hugh [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Manchester Cathedral Choir
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Priory Records, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: From the Eastern Mountains (arr. R. Vaughan Williams for choir and organ) 00:03:04 -- This Joyful Eastertide 00:02:38 -- Walking in a Garden (arr. A. Hutchings for choir and organ) 00:01:55 -- Holy Spirit Ever Dwelling 00:02:36 -- Around the Throne of God (arr. R. Vaughan Williams for choir and organ) 00:01:49 -- He Who Bore Witness (arr. M. Shaw for choir and organ) 00:02:26 -- Palms of Glory 00:01:59 -- Psalm 118, "O give thanks" 00:02:05 -- All Things Bright and Beautiful (arr. S. Martin for choir and organ) 00:03:27 -- Draw Nigh and Take the Body 00:03:26 -- For the Beauty of the Earth (arr. M. Shaw for choir and organ) 00:03:16 -- Picardy, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" (arr. R. Vaughan Williams for choir and organ) 00:02:49 -- Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor (Tune: St. Helen) 00:02:55 -- Psalm 51 00:02:45 -- We Hail Thy Presence 00:03:15 -- What Sweet of Life Endureth 00:02:18 -- As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams (arr. M. Shaw for choir and organ) 00:02:17 -- I heard the voice of Jesus 00:02:56 -- Psalm 25, "Show Me Your Ways" 00:01:52 -- O what their joy and their glory must be 00:04:12 -- Praise, My Soul the King of Heaven 00:02:50 -- Still Throned in Heaven 00:01:26 -- There Is a Land of Pure Delight 00:02:18 -- Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow 00:02:13 -- Faith of Our Fathers (arr. R. Vaughan Williams for choir and organ) 00:06:06 -- God Is Working His Purpose Out 00:03:27 -- Thy Kingdom Come on Bended Knee 00:02:37 --
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