Emotional Technology
- Titel: Emotional Technology / BT. BT, Komponist -- Chasez, JC, Komponist -- Guru, Komponist -- Johnston, Jan, Komponist -- Lavelle, Caroline, Komponist -- McGowan, Rose, Komponist -- Wisternoff, Jody, Komponist
- Person(en): BT [Komposition] ; Chasez, JC [Komposition] ; Guru [Komposition] ; Johnston, Jan [Komposition] ; Lavelle, Caroline [Komposition] ; McGowan, Rose [Komposition] ; Wisternoff, Jody [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nettwerk, 2003
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Meeting Of A Hundred Yang / BT 00:00:44 -- Knowledge Of Self / BT 00:06:42 -- Superfabulous / BT 00:04:40 -- Somnambulist / BT 00:04:21 -- The Force of Gravity / BT 00:08:19 -- Dark Heart Dawning / BT 00:07:08 -- The Great Escape / BT 00:06:58 -- P A R I S / BT 00:07:51 -- Circles / BT 00:04:43 -- The Last Moment Of Clarity / BT 00:07:21 -- Communicate / BT 00:05:48 -- Animals / BT 00:07:24 -- The Only Constant Is Change / BT 00:06:16 --
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