BONES (Original Television Soundtrack)

- Titel: BONES (Original Television Soundtrack). Been, Robert Levon, Komponist -- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Ensemble -- Brothers, Cary, Komponist -- Bush, Kate, Komponist -- Crystal Method, The, Ensemble -- Czerwik, Jonathan, Komponist -- Enan, Susan, Komponist -- Greenwood, Colin, Komponist -- Greenwood, Jonny, Komponist -- Hayes, Peter, Komponist -- James, Brendon, Komponist -- Jones, Kelly, Komponist -- Jordan, Kenneth, Komponist -- Kirkland, Scott, Komponist -- Lov, Sara, Komponist -- Lumley, Eliza, Gesang -- McLachlan, Sarah, Komponist -- O'Brien, Ed, Komponist -- O'Connor, Sinead, Komponist -- Odesjo, Fredrik, Komponist -- Placebo, Ensemble -- Selway, Phil, Komponist -- South, Wil, Komponist -- Stereophonics, Ensemble -- Tall Tree 6Ft. Man, Ensemble -- Thirteen Senses, Ensemble -- Valentin, Mats, Komponist -- Welham, Tom, Komponist -- Wilson, Adam, Komponist -- Yorke, Thom, Komponist
- Person(en): Been, Robert Levon [Komposition] ; Brothers, Cary [Komposition] ; Bush, Kate [Komposition] ; Czerwik, Jonathan [Komposition] ; Enan, Susan [Komposition] ; Greenwood, Colin [Komposition] ; Greenwood, Jonny [Komposition] ; Hayes, Peter [Komposition] ; James, Brendon [Komposition] ; Jones, Kelly [Komposition] ; Jordan, Kenneth [Komposition] ; Kirkland, Scott [Komposition] ; Lov, Sara [Komposition] ; McLachlan, Sarah [Komposition] ; O'Brien, Ed [Komposition] ; O'Connor, Sinead [Komposition] ; Odesjo, Fredrik [Komposition] ; Selway, Phil [Komposition] ; South, Wil [Komposition] ; Valentin, Mats [Komposition] ; Welham, Tom [Komposition] ; Wilson, Adam [Komposition] ; Yorke, Thom [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Black Rebel Motorcycle Club ; Crystal Method, The ; Placebo ; Stereophonics ; Tall Tree 6Ft. Man ; Thirteen Senses
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nettwerk, 2024
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Bones Theme 00:00:34 -- Angel 00:04:09 -- Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) 00:04:54 -- It Means Nothing 00:03:50 -- Gone 00:03:24 -- Black Star 00:04:05 -- Feel It Now 00:03:09 -- Fountain 00:03:45 -- Something 00:06:11 -- Tears And Laughter 00:04:10 -- Bring On The Wonder 00:03:16 -- Dirty Little Secret 00:04:00 -- Bones Theme 00:03:53 --
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