Home Recordings (The)

- Titel: Home Recordings (The) / BOND, Johnny. Austin, Gene, Komponist -- Autry, Gene, Komponist -- Bond, Johnny, Komponist -- Brown, Frankie, Komponist -- Brown, Lew, Dichter/Text -- Carter, A.P., Komponist -- Clare, Sidney, Komponist -- Darling, Denver, Komponist -- Gardner, Robert, Komponist -- Hill, Billy, Komponist -- Horton, Vaughn, Komponist -- Howard, Fred, Komponist -- Kendis, James, Komponist -- Klein, Lou, Dichter/Text -- McFarland, Lester, Komponist -- McWilliams, Elsie, Komponist -- Robison, Carson, Komponist -- Rodgers, Jimmie, Komponist -- Rose, Fred, Komponist -- Turner, Happy Jack, Komponist -- Vincent, Nat, Komponist -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Whitley, Ray, Komponist -- Woods, Harry M., Komponist
- Person(en): Austin, Gene [Komposition] ; Autry, Gene [Komposition] ; Bond, Johnny [Komposition] ; Brown, Frankie [Komposition] ; Carter, A.P. [Komposition] ; Clare, Sidney [Komposition] ; Darling, Denver [Komposition] ; Gardner, Robert [Komposition] ; Hill, Billy [Komposition] ; Horton, Vaughn [Komposition] ; Howard, Fred [Komposition] ; Kendis, James [Komposition] ; McFarland, Lester [Komposition] ; McWilliams, Elsie [Komposition] ; Robison, Carson [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Jimmie [Komposition] ; Rose, Fred [Komposition] ; Turner, Happy Jack [Komposition] ; Vincent, Nat [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Whitley, Ray [Komposition] ; Woods, Harry M. [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Varese Sarabande, 2002
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Clouds Will Soon Roll By / Bond, Johnny 00:01:53 -- Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain / Bond, Johnny 00:02:37 -- I'm Lonely and Blue / Bond, Johnny 00:03:37 -- The End of the World / Bond, Johnny 00:02:21 -- Address Unknown / Bond, Johnny 00:02:32 -- Born to Lose / Bond, Johnny 00:02:32 -- Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit, BWV 672 / Bond, Johnny 00:02:14 -- Down on the Old Plantation / Bond, Johnny 00:02:11 -- Dear Evalina / Bond, Johnny 00:01:40 -- Don't Live a Lie / Bond, Johnny 00:02:24 -- If I Had My Way / Bond, Johnny 00:01:50 -- I Hang My Head and Cry / Bond, Johnny 00:01:47 -- Keep a Light in Your Window Tonight / Bond, Johnny 00:02:45 -- By a Window at the End of the Lane / Bond, Johnny 00:01:29 -- My Pretty Quadroon / Bond, Johnny 00:03:11 -- Blue Ridge Mountain Blues / Bond, Johnny 00:02:24 -- Oklahoma Waltz - Cherokee Waltz / Bond, Johnny 00:03:07 -- I Wonder Where You Are Tonight - One Sweet Letter from You / Bond, Johnny 00:03:57 -- The Fool's Paradise / Bond, Johnny 00:03:13 -- My Darlin' Lola Lee / Bond, Johnny 00:02:23 --
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