
- Titel: TRAD JAZZ. Acker Bilk Paramount Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Ahlert, Fred, Komponist -- Alex Welsh Legacy Band, The, Ensemble -- Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, Komponist -- Armstrong, Louis, Komponist -- Austin, Lovie, Komponist -- Ball, Kenny, Trompete -- Barber, Chris, Posaune -- Basie, Count, Komponist -- Bechet, Sidney, Komponist -- Bennard, George, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bilk, Acker, Klarinette -- Blake, Blind, Komponist -- Bob Wallis Storyville Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Burwell, Cliff, Komponist -- Chris Barber Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Clyde Valley Stompers, Ensemble -- Davenport, Cow Cow, Komponist -- Donaldson, Walter, Komponist -- Donegan, Lonnie, Gesang -- Duncan, Fiona, Gesang -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hayden, Joe, Dichter/Text -- Higgins, Billy, Schlagzeug -- Jim McHarg and His Scotsville Jazz Band, Ensemble -- John Clinton Feetwarmers, Ensemble -- Johnson, George, Komponist -- Johnson, James Price, Komponist -- Jones, Isham, Komponist -- Kahn, Gus, Dichter/Text -- Kenny Ball Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Lodge, Henry, Komponist -- Lonnie Donegan Skiffle Group, Ensemble -- Lorenzo, Ange, Komponist -- Matthew, Brian, Gesang -- McCarron, Charles R., Komponist -- Melly, George, Gesang -- Menzies, Ian, Gesang -- Metz, Theodore A., Komponist -- Mick Mulligan's Magnolia Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Mickey Ashman Ragtime Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Miller, Gary, Gesang -- Mills, Kerry, Komponist -- Monty Sunshine Quartet, Ensemble -- Monty Sunshine Trio, The, Ensemble -- Moret, Neil, Komponist -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- Mulligan, Mick, Trompete -- Oliver, Joe King, Komponist -- Oliver, Sy, Komponist -- Overstreet, Benton, Komponist -- Parish, Mitchell, Komponist -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Ralph Dollimore and His Orchestra, Orchester -- Russell, Bob, Komponist -- Schwartz, Jean, Komponist -- Soloyev-Sedoj, Vasilij, Komponist -- Sunshine, Marion, Komponist -- Sunshine, Monty, Klarinette -- Swanstrom, Arthur, Komponist -- Terry Lightfoot's Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Thompson, Sonny, Komponist -- Wagner, Josef Franz, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist -- Wallis, Bob, Trompete -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Welsh, Alex, Trompete -- Whiting, Richard A., Komponist -- Williams, Clarence, Komponist -- Work, Henry Clay, Komponist -- Young, James Trummy, Komponist -- Young, Joe, Dichter/Text
- Person(en): Ahlert, Fred [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Lillian Hardin [Komposition] ; Armstrong, Louis [Komposition] ; Austin, Lovie [Komposition] ; Basie, Count [Komposition] ; Bechet, Sidney [Komposition] ; Bennard, George [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Blake, Blind [Komposition] ; Burwell, Cliff [Komposition] ; Davenport, Cow Cow [Komposition] ; Donaldson, Walter [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Johnson, George [Komposition] ; Johnson, James Price [Komposition] ; Jones, Isham [Komposition] ; Lodge, Henry [Komposition] ; Lorenzo, Ange [Komposition] ; McCarron, Charles R. [Komposition] ; Metz, Theodore A. [Komposition] ; Mills, Kerry [Komposition] ; Moret, Neil [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Oliver, Joe King [Komposition] ; Oliver, Sy [Komposition] ; Overstreet, Benton [Komposition] ; Parish, Mitchell [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Russell, Bob [Komposition] ; Schwartz, Jean [Komposition] ; Soloyev-Sedoj, Vasilij [Komposition] ; Sunshine, Marion [Komposition] ; Swanstrom, Arthur [Komposition] ; Thompson, Sonny [Komposition] ; Wagner, Josef Franz [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Whiting, Richard A. [Komposition] ; Williams, Clarence [Komposition] ; Work, Henry Clay [Komposition] ; Young, James Trummy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Acker Bilk Paramount Jazz Band ; Alex Welsh Legacy Band, The ; Bob Wallis Storyville Jazzmen ; Chris Barber Jazz Band ; Clyde Valley Stompers ; Jim McHarg and His Scotsville Jazz Band ; John Clinton Feetwarmers ; Kenny Ball Jazzmen ; Lonnie Donegan Skiffle Group ; Mick Mulligan's Magnolia Jazz Band ; Mickey Ashman Ragtime Jazz Band ; Monty Sunshine Quartet ; Monty Sunshine Trio, The ; Ralph Dollimore and His Orchestra ; Terry Lightfoot's Jazzmen
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Jazz, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Sweet Lorraine 00:03:07 -- Wild Cat Blues 00:02:58 -- When You and I Were Young, Maggie 00:02:38 -- Midnight in Moscow 00:03:00 -- Easter Parade: Shakin' The Blues Away 00:02:23 -- Trad Mad 00:03:05 -- Delia's Gone 00:03:27 -- One Sweet Letter From You 00:02:56 -- Muskrat Ramble 00:01:49 -- Zambesi 00:02:48 -- Sleepy Time Gal 00:03:45 -- Oh Chubby, Stay the Way You Are 00:02:46 -- Temptation Rag 00:02:53 -- The Old Rugged Cross 00:02:50 -- Frankie and Johnny 00:05:23 -- I'll See You In My Dreams 00:03:33 -- Honey Babe 00:02:49 -- Salty Dog Blues 00:02:43 -- Hiawatha Rag 00:03:46 -- Mama Don't Allow It 00:05:34 -- Under the Double Eagle 00:02:19 -- Watch the Birdie 00:02:09 -- 'Tain't What You Do 00:02:59 -- Rock Island Line 00:03:23 -- San-Ho-Zay 00:03:21 -- Petite fleur 00:02:45 -- There'll Be Some Changes Made 00:02:13 -- New Orleans Stomp 00:01:55 -- Yellow Dog Blues 00:03:27 -- Louisiana Man 00:02:04 -- Samantha 00:02:24 -- I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter 00:02:31 -- Runnin' Wild: The Charleston 00:03:32 -- Snake Rag 00:03:06 -- Whistling Rufus 00:03:01 -- Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gave To Me 00:03:03 -- Marching Through Georgia 00:03:17 -- Travellin' Blues 00:02:37 -- Hushabye 00:03:38 -- Black Cat 00:02:33 -- Casablanca 00:02:20 -- Love Me Or Leave Me 00:03:13 -- Good Time Swing 00:02:51 -- Careless Love 00:03:30 -- Make Me a Pallet on the Floor 00:05:43 -- There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight 00:02:12 -- Sugar Foot Stamp, "Dippermouth Blues" 00:02:57 -- Easy Does It 00:02:49 -- Chinatown, My Chinatown 00:02:38 -- You've Got the Right Key but the Wrong Keyhole 00:03:43 --
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