
- Titel: Rubberband / DAVIS, Miles. Berg, Bob, Saxophon -- Braun, Rick, Komponist -- Burris, Glenn, Komponist -- Davis, Miles, Komponist -- Errison, King, Conga -- Giles, Attala Zane, Komponist -- Hall, Randy, Komponist -- Hathaway, Lalah, Gesang -- Haynes, Arthur, Komponist -- Holzman, Abe, Keyboard -- Holzman, Adam, Synthesizer -- Irving III, Bobby, Synthesizer -- Jackson, Munyungo, Schlagwerk -- Johnson, Medina, Komponist -- Larsen, Neil, Komponist -- Ledisi, , Gesang -- Linares, Javier, Klavier -- Linsey, Wayne, Keyboard -- Loffman, Anthony, Komponist -- Mazur, Marilyn, Schlagwerk -- Nelson, Keith, Bass-Gitarre -- Paulo, Michael, Saxophon -- Reid, Steve, Schlagwerk -- Sharkey, Isaiah, Gitarre -- Stern, Mike, Komponist -- Thomas, Angus, Bass-Gitarre -- Thornton, Steve, Schlagwerk -- Wilburn Jr., Vincent, Schlagzeug
- Person(en): Braun, Rick [Komposition] ; Burris, Glenn [Komposition] ; Davis, Miles [Komposition] ; Giles, Attala Zane [Komposition] ; Hall, Randy [Komposition] ; Haynes, Arthur [Komposition] ; Johnson, Medina [Komposition] ; Larsen, Neil [Komposition] ; Loffman, Anthony [Komposition] ; Stern, Mike [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Warner Jazz, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Rubberband of Life / Davis, Miles 00:05:44 -- This Is It / Davis, Miles 00:04:36 -- Paradise / Davis, Miles 00:06:11 -- So Emotional / Davis, Miles 00:05:18 -- Give It Up / Davis, Miles 00:06:18 -- The Maze / Davis, Miles 00:04:10 -- Carnival Time / Davis, Miles 00:04:23 -- I Love What We Make Together / Davis, Miles 00:05:05 -- See I See / Davis, Miles 00:04:19 -- Echoes in Time - The Wrinkle / Davis, Miles 00:09:25 -- Rubberband / Davis, Miles 00:06:12 --
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