
- Titel: ROUGH GUIDE TO HILLBILLY BLUES (THE). Allen, Austin, Komponist -- Allen, Lee, Komponist -- Allen Brothers, Ensemble -- Arthur, Emry, Komponist -- Ashley, Tom, Gitarre -- Boggs, Dock, Komponist -- Boone, Claude, Gitarre -- Bouchillon, Chris, Komponist -- Carlisle, Cliff, Steel Gitarre -- Charlie Poole North Carolina Ramblers, Ensemble -- Curry, Arnold, Banjo -- Darby, Tom, Komponist -- Dilleshaw, John, Gitarre -- Dixon, Dorsey M., Komponist -- Dixon Brothers, The, Ensemble -- Green, Clarence, Komponist -- Greene, Clarence, Gitarre -- Harvey, Roy, Gitarre -- Hensley, Larry, Gitarre -- Hutchison, Frank, Gesang -- Jefferson, Blind Lemon, Komponist -- Johnson, Jess, Gitarre -- Jordan, Luke, Komponist -- Justice, Dick, Komponist -- Lewis, Furry, Komponist -- Mahaffey, Hub, Gitarre -- McFarland, Lester, Komponist -- McGee, Sam, Komponist -- Miller, David, Gitarre -- Narmour, William Thomas, Komponist -- Poole, Charlie, Komponist -- Puckett, Riley, Komponist -- Rodgers, Jimmie, Komponist -- Rorrer, Posey, Geige -- Rose, Bayless, Komponist -- Sheridan, Tony, Dichter/Text -- Smith, Shellie Walton, Komponist -- Smith, Kid, Gesang -- Smith, Walter, Tenor-Saxophon -- South Georgia Highballers, Ensemble -- String Marvel, Ensemble -- Tarlton, Jimmie, Komponist -- Vaughn, Georges, Dichter/Text -- Williamson Brothers, Ensemble -- Woodlieff, Norman, Gitarre
- Person(en): Allen, Austin [Komposition] ; Allen, Lee [Komposition] ; Arthur, Emry [Komposition] ; Boggs, Dock [Komposition] ; Bouchillon, Chris [Komposition] ; Darby, Tom [Komposition] ; Dixon, Dorsey M. [Komposition] ; Green, Clarence [Komposition] ; Jefferson, Blind Lemon [Komposition] ; Jordan, Luke [Komposition] ; Justice, Dick [Komposition] ; Lewis, Furry [Komposition] ; McFarland, Lester [Komposition] ; McGee, Sam [Komposition] ; Narmour, William Thomas [Komposition] ; Poole, Charlie [Komposition] ; Puckett, Riley [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Jimmie [Komposition] ; Rose, Bayless [Komposition] ; Smith, Shellie Walton [Komposition] ; Tarlton, Jimmie [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Allen Brothers ; Charlie Poole North Carolina Ramblers ; Dixon Brothers, The ; South Georgia Highballers ; String Marvel ; Williamson Brothers
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: World Music Network - Rough Guides, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Guitar Rag 00:03:20 -- Bow Wow Blues 00:03:16 -- Cocaine Blues 00:03:11 -- Down South Blues 00:03:06 -- Stackalee 00:03:04 -- Mule Skinner Blues 00:02:58 -- Born in Hard Luck 00:03:18 -- Johnson City Blues 00:02:58 -- If the River Was Whiskey 00:03:06 -- Buck Dancer's Choice 00:02:55 -- Slow Wicked Blues 00:03:05 -- The Cat's Got the Measles and the Dog's Got Whoopin' Cough 00:02:57 -- Match Box Blues 00:02:54 -- Black Dog Blues 00:03:08 -- Blue Grass Twist 00:02:48 -- Weave Room Blues 00:02:31 -- Haunted Road Blues 00:03:13 -- Spanish Fandango 00:03:11 -- Trouble Minded Blues 00:02:37 -- The Darkey's Wail 00:02:54 -- Lonesome Road Blues 00:03:06 -- K.C. Whistle Blues 00:02:54 -- Cannon Ball Rag 00:02:47 -- The New Carroll County Blues No. 1 00:02:53 -- Reuben, Oh Reuben 00:02:57 --
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