Straighten Up and Fly Right

- Titel: Straighten Up and Fly Right / BAND OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE RESERVE JAZZ ENSEMBLE. Abene, Michael, Komponist -- Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble, Ensemble -- Brandt, Alan, Komponist -- Brown, James, Komponist -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Cole, Nat King, Komponist -- Cornacchione, John, Posaune -- Driscoll, Jimmy, Klavier -- Gorrell, Stuart, Dichter/Text -- Haden, Charlie, Kontrabass -- Haggart, Bob, Komponist -- Hare, Chris, Gitarre -- Haymes, Bob, Komponist -- Hynes, Mark, Schlagzeug -- King, Bill, Alt-Saxophon -- Larimer, Jim, Bariton-Saxophon -- Mandel, Johnny, Komponist -- Marchetti, Marcel, Trompete -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Stamm, Marvin, Flügelhorn -- Taylor, James, Komponist -- Trimmins, Ken, Trompete -- Van Heusen, Jimmy, Komponist -- Walton, Cedar, Klavier
- Person(en): Abene, Michael [Komposition] ; Brandt, Alan [Komposition] ; Brown, James [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Cole, Nat King [Komposition] ; Haggart, Bob [Komposition] ; Haymes, Bob [Komposition] ; Mandel, Johnny [Komposition] ; Taylor, James [Komposition] ; Van Heusen, Jimmy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Band of the United States Air Force Reserve Jazz Ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Altissimo, 2006
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Ojos de Rojo (arr. S. Megas) 00:07:08 -- Straighten Up and Fly Right (arr. M. Abene) 00:04:55 -- What's New? (arr. S. Megas) 00:07:43 -- Child's Play (arr. S. Megas) 00:05:56 -- Georgia on my Mind (arr. C. Joyce) 00:07:50 -- Croton River Swamp Stomp 00:06:48 -- A Time for Love (arr. M. Abene) 00:08:51 -- Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (arr. S. Megas) 00:03:09 -- Bolivia (arr. S. Megas) 00:07:19 -- But Beautiful (arr. C. Owens) 00:10:48 -- That's All (arr. C. Joyce) 00:05:11 --
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