Let's Misbehave! (1927-1940)

- Titel: Let's Misbehave! (1927-1940) / PORTER, Cole. Ben Bernie Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra, Orchester -- Bernie, Ben, Komponist -- Bunny Berigan Music, Ensemble -- Coward, Noel, Komponist -- Fairchild and Carroll Orchestra, Orchester -- Hillpot, Billy, Gesang -- Hylton, Jack, Gesang -- Irving Aaronson Commanders, Ensemble -- Jack Hylton Orchestra, Orchester -- Lambert, Scrappy, Gesang -- Leo Reisman Orchestra, Orchester -- Merman, Ethel, Gesang -- O'Malley, Pat, Gesang -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Reisman, Leo -- Rudy Vallee Orchestra, Orchester -- Saxe, Phil, Gesang -- Three Waring Girls, Ensemble -- Victor Young Orchestra, Orchester -- Waters, Ethel, Gesang -- Wiley, Lee, Gesang -- Xavier Cugat Orchestra, Orchester -- d'Amato, Noel, Gesang
- Person(en): Bernie, Ben [Komposition] ; Coward, Noel [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ben Bernie Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra ; Bunny Berigan Music ; Fairchild and Carroll Orchestra ; Irving Aaronson Commanders ; Jack Hylton Orchestra ; Leo Reisman Orchestra ; Rudy Vallee Orchestra ; Three Waring Girls ; Victor Young Orchestra ; Xavier Cugat Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Nostalgia, 2001
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Let's Misbehave / Porter, Cole 00:02:51 -- Love for Sale / Porter, Cole 00:03:33 -- Anything Goes / Porter, Cole 00:03:24 -- Thank You So Much, Mrs. Lowsborough-Goodbye / Porter, Cole 00:02:28 -- I'm In Love Again / Porter, Cole 00:02:52 -- Miss Otis Regrets / Porter, Cole 00:02:57 -- Be Like The Bluebird / Porter, Cole 00:02:54 -- The Physician / Porter, Cole 00:02:56 -- You've Got That Thing / Porter, Cole 00:03:13 -- Find Me A Primitive Man / Porter, Cole 00:03:12 -- The Cocotte / Porter, Cole 00:02:41 -- I'm A Gigolo / Porter, Cole 00:02:25 -- They All Fall In Love / Porter, Cole 00:03:07 -- Down In The Depths / Porter, Cole 00:03:06 -- 2 Little Babes In The Wood / Porter, Cole 00:03:15 -- Anything Goes / Porter, Cole 00:03:08 -- Waltz Down The Aisle / Porter, Cole 00:03:03 -- Paris / Porter, Cole 00:05:58 --
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