Romantic Sinatra (The)

- Titel: Romantic Sinatra (The) / SINATRA, Frank. Archer, Harry, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Carlyle, Russ, Komponist -- Closow, Sam, Komponist -- Coleman, Cy, Komponist -- Comden, Betty, Komponist -- David, Hal, Komponist -- Dorsey, Jimmy, Komponist -- Duke, Vernon, Komponist -- Edens, Roger, Komponist -- Freed, Charles, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gershwin, Ira, Dichter/Text -- Green, Adolph, Komponist -- Hammerstein II, Oscar, Dichter/Text -- Harburg, Edgar Yip, Dichter/Text -- Hart, Lorenz, Dichter/Text -- Herron, Joel S., Komponist -- Kalmar, Bert, Dichter/Text -- Lane, Kermit, Komponist -- Madeira, Paul, Komponist -- McCarthy, Joseph, Dichter/Text -- Mertz, Paul M., Komponist -- Nevins, Morty, Komponist -- Novello, Ivor, Komponist -- Redmond, John, Komponist -- Reynolds, Roger, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Ruby, Harry, Komponist -- Sinatra, Frank, Gesang -- Stordahl, Axel, Komponist -- Strachey, Jack, Komponist -- Stranks, Alan, Komponist -- Taylor, Irving, Komponist -- Thompson, Harlan, Dichter/Text -- Washington, Ned, Dichter/Text -- Weston, Paul, Komponist -- Wolf, Jack W., Komponist -- Wolf, Jacky, Komponist -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Archer, Harry [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Carlyle, Russ [Komposition] ; Closow, Sam [Komposition] ; Coleman, Cy [Komposition] ; Comden, Betty [Komposition] ; David, Hal [Komposition] ; Dorsey, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Duke, Vernon [Komposition] ; Edens, Roger [Komposition] ; Freed, Charles [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Green, Adolph [Komposition] ; Herron, Joel S. [Komposition] ; Lane, Kermit [Komposition] ; Madeira, Paul [Komposition] ; Mertz, Paul M. [Komposition] ; Nevins, Morty [Komposition] ; Novello, Ivor [Komposition] ; Redmond, John [Komposition] ; Reynolds, Roger [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Ruby, Harry [Komposition] ; Stordahl, Axel [Komposition] ; Strachey, Jack [Komposition] ; Stranks, Alan [Komposition] ; Taylor, Irving [Komposition] ; Weston, Paul [Komposition] ; Wolf, Jack W. [Komposition] ; Wolf, Jacky [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Blue Moon Records, 1999
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Nevertheless 00:03:10 -- Remember Me in Your Dreams 00:02:33 -- I'm Glad There Is You 00:03:08 -- Walk a Little Faster 00:02:44 -- Take My Love 00:03:18 -- My Girl 00:02:26 -- Everybody Loves Somebody 00:03:16 -- Why Try to Change Me Now? 00:02:49 -- No Orchids for My Lady 00:02:40 -- South Pacific 00:03:08 -- The Right Girl for Me 00:03:07 -- Just for Now 00:03:00 -- I Love You 00:02:31 -- Night After Night 00:03:07 -- I'm a Fool To Want You 00:02:57 -- If I Ever Love Again 00:03:03 -- You're the One 00:03:03 -- If Only She'd Look My Way 00:02:49 -- The King and I 00:03:34 -- Easter Parade 00:03:20 -- Treasure Girl: I've Got a Crush on You 00:03:17 -- Higher and Higher 00:02:59 --
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