It Feels Good

- Titel: It Feels Good / MCSHANN, Jay. Anderson, Bernard, Komponist -- Basie, Count, Komponist -- Battle, Edgar, Komponist -- Blake, Eubie, Komponist -- Brown, Walter, Komponist -- Carpenter, Charles, Komponist -- Dash, Julian, Komponist -- David, Mack, Komponist -- Dunlap, Louis, Komponist -- Evans, Herschel, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gross, Walter, Komponist -- Hall, Skippa, Komponist -- Hines, Earl, Komponist -- Jay McShann Orchestra, Orchester -- Johnson, Gus, Schlagzeug -- Livingston, Jerry, Komponist -- McShann, Jay, Komponist -- Moten, Bennie, Komponist -- Moten, Buster, Komponist -- Ramey, Gene, Kontrabass -- Tate, Buddy, Tenor-Saxophon
- Person(en): Anderson, Bernard [Komposition] ; Basie, Count [Komposition] ; Battle, Edgar [Komposition] ; Blake, Eubie [Komposition] ; Brown, Walter [Komposition] ; Carpenter, Charles [Komposition] ; Dash, Julian [Komposition] ; David, Mack [Komposition] ; Dunlap, Louis [Komposition] ; Evans, Herschel [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Gross, Walter [Komposition] ; Hall, Skippa [Komposition] ; Hines, Earl [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jerry [Komposition] ; McShann, Jay [Komposition] ; Moten, Bennie [Komposition] ; Moten, Buster [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Jay McShann Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nagel Heyer Records, 2017
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Tenderly / McShann, Jay 00:04:27 -- Blue and Sentimental / McShann, Jay 00:06:26 -- Confessin' the Blues / McShann, Jay 00:02:53 -- Roberta: Memories of You / McShann, Jay 00:05:21 -- Moten Swing / McShann, Jay 00:06:27 -- Duke and the Brute / McShann, Jay 00:02:52 -- Hootie's Ignorant Oil / McShann, Jay 00:04:29 -- Lady, Be Good!: Oh, Lady Be Good! / McShann, Jay 00:03:55 -- Say Forward, I'll March / McShann, Jay 00:04:43 -- Nasty Attitude / McShann, Jay 00:02:55 -- Hootie's in Hutchinson / McShann, Jay 00:06:08 -- Slow Drag Blues / McShann, Jay 00:05:52 -- Reach / McShann, Jay 00:02:47 -- Four Day Ride / McShann, Jay 00:04:01 -- You Can Depend on Me / McShann, Jay 00:04:18 -- Doggin' Around / McShann, Jay 00:06:11 -- Jay's Boogie Woogie / McShann, Jay 00:04:13 --
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