I'm Wondering

- Titel: I'm Wondering / BERRY, Emmett. Armstrong, Lillian Hardin, Komponist -- Austin, Gene, Komponist -- Bergere, Roy, Komponist -- Berry, Emmett, Trompete -- Coots, J. Fred, Komponist -- Drake, Ervin M., Dichter/Text -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Handy, William Christopher, Komponist -- Hodges, Johnny, Komponist -- Lovett, Leroy, Komponist -- Mares, Paul, Komponist -- Mezzrow, Mezz, Komponist -- Price, Sammy, Komponist -- Rappolo, Leon, Komponist -- Rodgers, Richard, Komponist -- Schoebel, Elmer, Komponist -- Sears, Al, Tenor-Saxophon -- Shirl, Jimmy, Komponist -- Stewart, Rex, Komponist -- Strayhorn, Billy, Komponist -- Williams, Spencer, Komponist
- Person(en): Armstrong, Lillian Hardin [Komposition] ; Austin, Gene [Komposition] ; Bergere, Roy [Komposition] ; Coots, J. Fred [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Handy, William Christopher [Komposition] ; Hodges, Johnny [Komposition] ; Lovett, Leroy [Komposition] ; Mares, Paul [Komposition] ; Mezzrow, Mezz [Komposition] ; Price, Sammy [Komposition] ; Rappolo, Leon [Komposition] ; Rodgers, Richard [Komposition] ; Schoebel, Elmer [Komposition] ; Shirl, Jimmy [Komposition] ; Stewart, Rex [Komposition] ; Strayhorn, Billy [Komposition] ; Williams, Spencer [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nagel Heyer Records, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: I'm Wondering 00:06:22 -- Goodbye Paris 00:04:15 -- A Pound of Blues 00:03:10 -- Oklahoma! 00:02:51 -- Muskrat Ramble 00:02:34 -- Booogie Woogie a la Parisienne 00:04:07 -- Farewell Blues 00:08:22 -- How Come You Do Me Like You Do? 00:03:40 -- C-Jam Blues 00:07:00 -- Oh, Kay!* 00:04:16 -- Globe Trotter 00:03:04 -- Emmett Plays the Blues for Mezz 00:10:16 -- Oklahoma!: Oklahoma!; People Will Say We're In Love 00:07:56 -- Le grande pompe 00:04:39 -- Something to Pat Your Foot To 00:02:52 -- Yellow Dog Blues 00:03:57 -- You Blew Out the Flame in My Heart 00:07:04 -- Swingin' the Berrys 00:03:55 -- Sunday 00:02:21 -- Oklahoma! 00:03:22 -- Struttin' With Some Barbecue 00:07:04 -- Sunshine and Roses 00:02:48 -- The Jeep Is Jumpin' 00:01:55 -- St. Louis Blues 00:01:55 -- Wham 00:03:02 -- Basin Street Blues 00:04:07 --
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