Seeds on the Ground - The Natural Sounds of Airto

- Titel: Seeds on the Ground - The Natural Sounds of Airto / MOREIRA, Airto. Carter, Ron, Komponist -- Coppola, Googie, Gesang -- Evans, R., Komponist -- Gismonti, Egberto, Komponist -- Livingston, J., Komponist -- Moreira, Airto, Schlagwerk -- Oliveira, Divina Eulália, Komponist -- Oliveira, Severino Dias de, Viola -- Pascoal, Hermeto, Komponist -- Purim, Flora, Komponist -- Romao, Dom Um, Schlagzeug
- Person(en): Carter, Ron [Komposition] ; Evans, R. [Komposition] ; Gismonti, Egberto [Komposition] ; Livingston, J. [Komposition] ; Oliveira, Divina Eulália [Komposition] ; Pascoal, Hermeto [Komposition] ; Purim, Flora [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Sony Classical, 1971
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Andei (I Walked) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:02:38 -- Moon Dreams (O sonho) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:07:51 -- The Wind (Uri) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:06:10 -- Papo furado (Jive Talking) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:03:31 -- We Love (Juntos) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:03:21 -- O galho da roseira (The Branches of the Rose Tree) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:07:54 -- O galho da roseira (The Branches of the Rose Tree) / Pascoal, Hermeto; Carter, Ron 00:08:19 --
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