
- Titel: Duets / LANCASTER, Jamie. Adams, Bryan, Komponist -- Beck, Cassandra, Gesang -- Bottrell, Bill, Komponist -- Collins, Phil, Komponist -- DeNicola, John, Komponist -- East, Nathan, Komponist -- Eastwood, Dinah, Komponist -- Farrar, John, Komponist -- Gessle, Per, Komponist -- Hamlisch, Marvin, Komponist -- Ituana, , Gesang -- Jackson, Michael, Komponist -- Jones, Mick, Komponist -- Lancaster, Jamie, Gesang -- Lange, Robert John, Synthesizer -- Markowitz, Donald, Komponist -- Orzabal, Roland, Komponist -- Pop, Iggy, Komponist -- Previte, Frank, Komponist -- Richie, Lionel, Komponist -- Simonal, Michelle, Gesang -- Sony, Shelly, Gesang -- St. Jones, Eve, Gesang -- Streisand, Barbra, Komponist -- Urselle, , Gesang
- Person(en): Adams, Bryan [Komposition] ; Bottrell, Bill [Komposition] ; Collins, Phil [Komposition] ; DeNicola, John [Komposition] ; East, Nathan [Komposition] ; Eastwood, Dinah [Komposition] ; Farrar, John [Komposition] ; Gessle, Per [Komposition] ; Hamlisch, Marvin [Komposition] ; Jackson, Michael [Komposition] ; Jones, Mick [Komposition] ; Markowitz, Donald [Komposition] ; Orzabal, Roland [Komposition] ; Pop, Iggy [Komposition] ; Previte, Frank [Komposition] ; Richie, Lionel [Komposition] ; Streisand, Barbra [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Music Brokers, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: I Finally Found Someone 00:03:12 -- Endless Love 00:02:53 -- Easy Lover 00:04:02 -- (I've Had) The Time of My Life 00:03:37 -- Candy 00:04:17 -- I Want to Know What Love Is 00:03:43 -- Dangerous 00:03:20 -- Grease: You're the One That I Want 00:02:24 -- Woman in Chains 00:04:28 -- Give In to Me 00:03:25 --
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