VINTAGE CAFÉ - Lounge and Jazz Blends, Vol. 16

- Titel: VINTAGE CAFÉ - Lounge and Jazz Blends, Vol. 16. 48th St. Collective, Ensemble -- Anakelly, , Klavier -- Avril, Lee, Komponist -- Banda Do Sul, Ensemble -- Banks, Tony, Komponist -- Bell, Louis, Komponist -- Beluga's Trio, Ensemble -- Bong, Natty, Gesang -- Bongiovi Jr., John Francis, Akustik Gitarre -- Brazilian Jazz Cuts, Ensemble -- Brown, George, Komponist -- Browne, Jackson, Komponist -- Burgh, Chris de, Komponist -- Collins, Phil, Komponist -- Cooltrane Quartet, The, Ensemble -- Corley, Al, Komponist -- DJ Leão, , Elektronik -- Densmore, John Paul, Komponist -- Dual Box, Ensemble -- Faltermeier, Harold, Komponist -- Farrelli, James, Komponist -- Farriss, Andrew, Komponist -- Feeney, Adam, Komponist -- Fitoussi, R., Komponist -- Followill, Caleb, Komponist -- Followill, Jared, Komponist -- Followill, Matthew, Komponist -- Followill, Nathan, Komponist -- Fossati, S., Komponist -- Frey, Glenn, Komponist -- General Soundbwoy, Ensemble -- George White Group, Ensemble -- Giacco, Luca, Gesang -- Goble, Graeham, Komponist -- Groovy Waters, Ensemble -- Gunesberk, Kaan, Komponist -- Hendrix, Jimi, Komponist -- Hugo, Chad, Komponist -- Hutchence, Michael, Komponist -- Isaak, Chris, Komponist -- Ituana, , Gesang -- Jamaican Reggae Cuts, Ensemble -- Jazzystics, Ensemble -- Krieger, Robby, Komponist -- Lancaster, Jamie, Gesang -- Love, Bristol, Gesang -- Lua, Ensemble -- Manzarek, Ray, Komponist -- Marley, Bob, Komponist -- Martin, Max, Komponist -- McCartney, Paul, Komponist -- Menescal, Sarah, Gesang -- Morrison, Jim, Komponist -- Post Malone, , Komponist -- Prince, , Komponist -- Reilly, Mark, Komponist -- Renauld, , Instrumente -- Renoir, Natalie, Gesang -- Ross, Ricky, Komponist -- Rossi, Apollinare, Gesang -- Rutherford, Mike, Komponist -- Sambora, Richie, Komponist -- Simonal, Michelle, Gesang -- Souza, Karen, Gesang -- Spears, Britney, Komponist -- Springsteen, Lem, Komponist -- Stella Starlight Trio, Ensemble -- Stereo Dub, Ensemble -- Vicente, Sao, Gesang -- Walsh, Billy, Komponist -- Warren, Diane, Komponist -- White, Danny, Komponist -- Williams, Pharrell, Komponist -- Wood, Peter John, Komponist -- Wyche, Ultra Nate, Komponist -- Yacoub, Rami, Komponist
- Person(en): Avril, Lee [Komposition] ; Banks, Tony [Komposition] ; Bell, Louis [Komposition] ; Brown, George [Komposition] ; Browne, Jackson [Komposition] ; Burgh, Chris de [Komposition] ; Collins, Phil [Komposition] ; Corley, Al [Komposition] ; Densmore, John Paul [Komposition] ; Faltermeier, Harold [Komposition] ; Farrelli, James [Komposition] ; Farriss, Andrew [Komposition] ; Feeney, Adam [Komposition] ; Fitoussi, R. [Komposition] ; Followill, Caleb [Komposition] ; Followill, Jared [Komposition] ; Followill, Matthew [Komposition] ; Followill, Nathan [Komposition] ; Fossati, S. [Komposition] ; Frey, Glenn [Komposition] ; Goble, Graeham [Komposition] ; Gunesberk, Kaan [Komposition] ; Hendrix, Jimi [Komposition] ; Hugo, Chad [Komposition] ; Hutchence, Michael [Komposition] ; Isaak, Chris [Komposition] ; Krieger, Robby [Komposition] ; Manzarek, Ray [Komposition] ; Marley, Bob [Komposition] ; Martin, Max [Komposition] ; McCartney, Paul [Komposition] ; Morrison, Jim [Komposition] ; Post Malone, [Komposition] ; Prince, [Komposition] ; Reilly, Mark [Komposition] ; Ross, Ricky [Komposition] ; Rutherford, Mike [Komposition] ; Sambora, Richie [Komposition] ; Spears, Britney [Komposition] ; Springsteen, Lem [Komposition] ; Walsh, Billy [Komposition] ; Warren, Diane [Komposition] ; White, Danny [Komposition] ; Williams, Pharrell [Komposition] ; Wood, Peter John [Komposition] ; Wyche, Ultra Nate [Komposition] ; Yacoub, Rami [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): 48th St. Collective ; Banda Do Sul ; Beluga's Trio ; Brazilian Jazz Cuts ; Cooltrane Quartet, The ; Dual Box ; General Soundbwoy ; George White Group ; Groovy Waters ; Jamaican Reggae Cuts ; Jazzystics ; Lua ; Stella Starlight Trio ; Stereo Dub
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Music Brokers, 2020
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Riders on the Storm 00:03:46 -- Take It Easy 00:03:15 -- Reminiscing 00:03:18 -- Back Down South 00:02:44 -- Lady in Red 00:03:47 -- Overprotected 00:03:28 -- Wicked Game 00:03:32 -- I'll Be There for You 00:03:17 -- Ebony and Ivory 00:03:39 -- Hold on My Heart 00:04:58 -- I'm a Slave 4 U 00:04:03 -- That's All 00:03:56 -- Mystify 00:04:31 -- More Than I Can Bear 00:03:57 -- Foxy Lady 00:03:42 -- Jamming 00:02:45 -- I Get Weak 00:04:30 -- Free 00:03:46 -- Too Hot 00:03:19 -- Sahara Night 00:02:56 -- Land of Confusion 00:04:40 -- Square Rooms 00:03:42 -- The Most Beautiful Girl in the World 00:03:41 -- When Will You (Make My Telephone Ring)? 00:03:39 -- Circles 00:03:10 --
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