Holiday Cheer

- Titel: Holiday Cheer / MAYBE THIS CHRISTMAS, Vol. 6. Ball, Ashleigh, Komponist -- Beckingham, David, Komponist -- Bobs and Lolo, Ensemble -- Bryant, Jon, Komponist -- Buckey, James, Komponist -- Dekker, Anthony M., Komponist -- Family of the Year, Ensemble -- Frampton, Dia, Komponist -- Frost, Lily, Komponist -- Gomez, John, Komponist -- Gomez, Stephen, Komponist -- Great Lake Swimmers, Ensemble -- Hey Ocean!, Ensemble -- Horton, Chad, Komponist -- Jones, Seth, Komponist -- Keefe, Joe, Komponist -- Keefe, Sebastian, Komponist -- Michael, George, Komponist -- Penfold, Katherine, Komponist -- Pola, Eddie, Komponist -- Regney, Noel, Dichter/Text -- Savoir Adore, Ensemble -- Schroeter, Christina, Komponist -- Sears, Edmund, Dichter/Text -- Shayne, Gloria, Komponist -- Sweeplings, The, Ensemble -- Vertesi, David, Komponist -- Willis, Richard S., Komponist -- Wyle, George, Komponist -- Youngs, Jenny Owen, Komponist
- Person(en): Ball, Ashleigh [Komposition] ; Beckingham, David [Komposition] ; Bryant, Jon [Komposition] ; Buckey, James [Komposition] ; Dekker, Anthony M. [Komposition] ; Frampton, Dia [Komposition] ; Frost, Lily [Komposition] ; Gomez, John [Komposition] ; Gomez, Stephen [Komposition] ; Horton, Chad [Komposition] ; Jones, Seth [Komposition] ; Keefe, Joe [Komposition] ; Keefe, Sebastian [Komposition] ; Michael, George [Komposition] ; Penfold, Katherine [Komposition] ; Pola, Eddie [Komposition] ; Schroeter, Christina [Komposition] ; Shayne, Gloria [Komposition] ; Vertesi, David [Komposition] ; Willis, Richard S. [Komposition] ; Wyle, George [Komposition] ; Youngs, Jenny Owen [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Bobs and Lolo ; Family of the Year ; Great Lake Swimmers ; Hey Ocean! ; Savoir Adore ; Sweeplings, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Nettwerk, 2022
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: The Nice List 00:02:51 -- It Came upon a Midnight Clear 00:02:26 -- OMG It's Christmas 00:02:43 -- Fall in Love This Christmas 00:02:53 -- Little Light [ALB-3424165] 00:02:42 -- It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 00:02:10 -- Last Christmas 00:03:00 -- Things We Don't Need Anymore 00:02:58 -- Tonight It's Christmas Time 00:03:34 -- Hang a String of Lights 00:02:54 -- Skating On The River 00:02:33 -- Do You Hear What I Hear? 00:03:58 --
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