Waning Crescent Moon

- Titel: Waning Crescent Moon / HANRAHAN, Kip. Allen, J.D., Tenor-Saxophon -- Ameen, Lucia, Gesang -- Ameen, Robbie, Schlagzeug -- Bruce, Jack, E-Bass -- Cardona, Milton, Schlagwerk -- Carrillo, Antonio, Bongo -- Chambers, Michael, E-Gitarre -- Flores, Richie, Conga -- Freeman, Chico, Saxophon -- Gonzales, Andy, Kontrabass -- Handy, Craig, Tenor-Saxophon -- Hanrahan, Kip, Komponist -- Hernandez, Jennifer, Gesang -- Hugh, Grayson, Gesang -- Korman, Cliff, Dichter/Text -- Laugart, Xiomara, Gesang -- Merega, Giacomo, E-Bass -- Neville, Charles, Tenor-Saxophon -- Penabaz, Lucy, Gesang -- Poveda, Roberto, Gesang -- Quintero, Luisito, Schlagwerk -- Rivera, Mario, Bariton-Saxophon -- Rodriguez, David, E-Bass -- Ross, Brandon, Gitarre -- Saunders, Fernando, E-Bass -- Sinton, Josh, Bariton-Saxophon -- Swallow, Steve, Kontrabass -- Terry, Yunior, Kontrabass -- Toy, Senti, Gesang -- Triff, Alfredo, Violine
- Person(en): Hanrahan, Kip [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: American Clave, 2019
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: She can measure the history of dreams / Hanrahan, Kip 00:05:30 -- Lucia's young night / Hanrahan, Kip 00:02:00 -- Dancing with sweetness, tonight / Hanrahan, Kip 00:04:32 -- Perfect math, in a model bronx childhood / Hanrahan, Kip 00:02:23 -- Our reflection in the turbulent heat / Hanrahan, Kip 00:01:27 -- Silvana laughs at the film noir shadows / Hanrahan, Kip 00:03:33 -- Andy laughs at one of the few golden veins / Hanrahan, Kip 00:06:06 -- We were not alone / Hanrahan, Kip 00:06:36 -- Name us light / Hanrahan, Kip 00:02:34 -- Sometimes I can go for nights, forgetting / Hanrahan, Kip 00:02:03 -- She and He describe the exact same intimate moment / Hanrahan, Kip 00:06:38 -- A naked woman, comfortable / Hanrahan, Kip 00:00:30 -- A more naked man, frightened / Hanrahan, Kip 00:00:29 -- The dusk coming to a moving rest / Hanrahan, Kip 00:01:01 -- Somewhere in the deepest blue / Hanrahan, Kip 00:04:31 -- The heat changed the colors of my eyes / Hanrahan, Kip 00:01:37 -- The night finding it's form / Hanrahan, Kip 00:01:54 -- Some Scottish Lullaby / Hanrahan, Kip 00:00:43 -- In Olinda, she calmly explained the use of the reflexive / Hanrahan, Kip 00:03:48 -- All us working class boys / Hanrahan, Kip 00:05:11 --
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