1956 Pop, Part 2

- Titel: 1956 Pop, Part 2 / HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL, VOL. 5. Allen, R., Komponist -- Allen, Steve, Komponist -- Archie Bleyer Chorus, Chor -- Archie Bleyer Orchestra, Orchester -- Ayres, Mitchell -- Bagdasarian, Ross, Komponist -- Barron, Bob, Komponist -- Basie, Count, Komponist -- Bennett, Tony, Gesang -- Bleyer, Archie, Komponist -- Bock, Jerry, Komponist -- Brooks, Jack, Komponist -- Cash, Johnny, Gesang -- Cates, George, Komponist -- Clooney, Rosemary, Gesang -- Cole, Nat King, Komponist -- Comden, Betty, Komponist -- Como, Perry, Gesang -- Count Basie Orchestra, Orchester -- Damone, Vic, Gesang -- Darby, Ken, Gesang -- Dick Stabile Orchestra, Orchester -- Duke, Vernon, Komponist -- Duning, George, Komponist -- Faith, Percy, Komponist -- Four Lads, The, Ensemble -- Fulton, Jack, Gesang -- George Cates Orchestra, Orchester -- Gimbel, Norman, Dichter/Text -- Green, Adolph, Komponist -- Harburg, Edgar Yip, Dichter/Text -- Heywood, Eddie, Klavier -- Hibbler, Al, Gesang -- Holofcener, Larry, Dichter/Text -- Hugo Peretti Orchestra, Orchester -- Hugo Winterhalter Orchestra, Orchester -- Jack Pleis Orchestra, Orchester -- Kellem, Milt, Komponist -- Lerner, Alan Jay, Dichter/Text -- Loewe, Frederick, Komponist -- Long, Burt, Komponist -- Lovett, Leroy, Komponist -- Martin, Dean, Gesang -- Martin, Vince, Gesang -- McGuire Sisters, The, Ensemble -- Miller, Mitch, Horn -- Mitch Miller Orchestra, Orchester -- Mitchell Ayres Orchestra, Orchester -- Music of David Seville, Ensemble -- Nelson Riddle Chorus, Chor -- Nelson Riddle Orchestra, Orchester -- Patience and Prudence, Chor -- Paul Weston Music from Hollywood, Orchester -- Percy Faith Orchestra, Orchester -- Peretti, Hugo, Komponist -- Pleis, Jack, Komponist -- Ray Charles Singers, Chor -- Ray Ellis Orchestra, Orchester -- Riddle, Nelson, Komponist -- Sherman, Joe, Komponist -- Sherman, Noel, Komponist -- Stabile, Dick -- Steele, Lois, Komponist -- Storm, Gale, Gesang -- Styne, Jule, Komponist -- Syms, Sylvia, Gesang -- Tarriers, The, Ensemble -- Tennessee Two, Ensemble -- Thompson, Kay, Komponist -- Vaughan, Sarah, Gesang -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Weiss, George David, Dichter/Text -- Wells, Robert, Komponist -- Weston, Paul, Komponist -- White, Alan, Komponist -- Winterhalter, Hugo
- Person(en): Allen, R. [Komposition] ; Allen, Steve [Komposition] ; Bagdasarian, Ross [Komposition] ; Barron, Bob [Komposition] ; Basie, Count [Komposition] ; Bleyer, Archie [Komposition] ; Bock, Jerry [Komposition] ; Brooks, Jack [Komposition] ; Cates, George [Komposition] ; Cole, Nat King [Komposition] ; Comden, Betty [Komposition] ; Duke, Vernon [Komposition] ; Duning, George [Komposition] ; Faith, Percy [Komposition] ; Green, Adolph [Komposition] ; Kellem, Milt [Komposition] ; Loewe, Frederick [Komposition] ; Long, Burt [Komposition] ; Lovett, Leroy [Komposition] ; Peretti, Hugo [Komposition] ; Pleis, Jack [Komposition] ; Riddle, Nelson [Komposition] ; Sherman, Joe [Komposition] ; Sherman, Noel [Komposition] ; Steele, Lois [Komposition] ; Styne, Jule [Komposition] ; Thompson, Kay [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Wells, Robert [Komposition] ; Weston, Paul [Komposition] ; White, Alan [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Archie Bleyer Chorus ; Archie Bleyer Orchestra ; Count Basie Orchestra ; Dick Stabile Orchestra ; Four Lads, The ; George Cates Orchestra ; Hugo Peretti Orchestra ; Hugo Winterhalter Orchestra ; Jack Pleis Orchestra ; McGuire Sisters, The ; Mitch Miller Orchestra ; Mitchell Ayres Orchestra ; Music of David Seville ; Nelson Riddle Chorus ; Nelson Riddle Orchestra ; Patience and Prudence ; Paul Weston Music from Hollywood ; Percy Faith Orchestra ; Ray Charles Singers ; Ray Ellis Orchestra ; Tarriers, The ; Tennessee Two
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Naxos Rock Legends, 2008
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Canadian Sunset 00:02:52 -- Picnic 00:02:44 -- Juke Box Baby 00:02:12 -- Mr. Wonderful: Mr. Wonderful 00:02:47 -- The Bus Stop Song (A Paper of Pins) 00:02:10 -- Song for a Summer Night 00:03:09 -- My Fair Lady: On the Street Where You Live 00:02:38 -- My Fair Lady: I've Grown Accustomed to Your Face 00:02:44 -- My Fair Lady: I Could Have Danced All Night 00:02:38 -- I Walk the Line 00:02:41 -- After the Lights Go Down Low 00:02:32 -- Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now 00:01:53 -- Eloise 00:02:16 -- Armen's Theme 00:02:04 -- To the Ends of the Earth 00:02:17 -- Ivory Tower 00:02:43 -- Cindy, Oh Cindy 00:02:48 -- Bells are Ringing: Just in Time 00:02:32 -- Innamorata (Sweetheart) 00:02:23 -- Walk a Little Faster 00:03:46 --
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