ORIGINAL CHARLESTON (THE) - Rhythms of the Roaring Twenties

- Titel: ORIGINAL CHARLESTON (THE) - Rhythms of the Roaring Twenties. Astaire, Adele, Gesang -- Astaire, Fred, Gesang -- Baker, Josephine, Gesang -- Beiderbecke, Bix, Komponist -- Ben Bernie Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra, Orchester -- Ben Selvin Orchestra, Orchester -- Bernard, Felix, Komponist -- Bernie, Ben, Komponist -- Billy Jones Orchestra, Orchester -- Black, Johnny S., Komponist -- Brooks, Shelton, Komponist -- Caesar, Irving, Komponist -- Cantor, Eddie, Komponist -- Carl Fenton Orchestra, Orchester -- Cohn, Irving, Komponist -- Confrey, Zez, Komponist -- De Sylva, Buddy G., Dichter/Text -- Fenton, Carl, Komponist -- Fisher, Fred, Komponist -- Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra, Orchester -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gershwin, Ira, Dichter/Text -- Gillespie, Haven, Komponist -- Harbach, Otto, Dichter/Text -- Heywood, Donald, Komponist -- Isham Jones Orchestra, Orchester -- Jelly-Roll Morton Red Hot Peppers, Ensemble -- Johnson, James Price, Komponist -- Jolson, Al, Dichter/Text -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- Meinken, Fred, Komponist -- Meyer, Joseph, Horn -- Morton, Jelly Roll, Komponist -- Munro, Billy, Komponist -- Nichols, Red, Kornett -- Paul Whiteman Orchestra, Orchester -- Pinkard, Maceo, Komponist -- Red Nichols 5 Pennies, Ensemble -- Rudy Vallee Connecticut Yankees, Ensemble -- Silver, Frank, Komponist -- Simons, Seymour, Komponist -- Ted Lewis Orchestra, Orchester -- Ted Weems Orchestra, Orchester -- Tucker, Sophie, Gesang -- Whiting, Richard A., Komponist -- Wood, Leo, Komponist -- Zez Confrey Orchestra, Orchester
- Person(en): Beiderbecke, Bix [Komposition] ; Bernard, Felix [Komposition] ; Bernie, Ben [Komposition] ; Black, Johnny S. [Komposition] ; Brooks, Shelton [Komposition] ; Caesar, Irving [Komposition] ; Cantor, Eddie [Komposition] ; Cohn, Irving [Komposition] ; Confrey, Zez [Komposition] ; Fenton, Carl [Komposition] ; Fisher, Fred [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Gillespie, Haven [Komposition] ; Heywood, Donald [Komposition] ; Johnson, James Price [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; Meinken, Fred [Komposition] ; Morton, Jelly Roll [Komposition] ; Munro, Billy [Komposition] ; Pinkard, Maceo [Komposition] ; Silver, Frank [Komposition] ; Simons, Seymour [Komposition] ; Whiting, Richard A. [Komposition] ; Wood, Leo [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Ben Bernie Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra ; Ben Selvin Orchestra ; Billy Jones Orchestra ; Carl Fenton Orchestra ; Frankie Trumbauer Orchestra ; Isham Jones Orchestra ; Jelly-Roll Morton Red Hot Peppers ; Paul Whiteman Orchestra ; Red Nichols 5 Pennies ; Rudy Vallee Connecticut Yankees ; Ted Lewis Orchestra ; Ted Weems Orchestra ; Zez Confrey Orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: The Gift of Music, 2007
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Somebody Stole My Gal 00:03:08 -- Charleston 00:02:51 -- Lady, be Good! 00:02:28 -- Who? 00:03:12 -- Swanee 00:02:45 -- When My Baby Smiles At Me 00:02:51 -- Black Bottom Stomp 00:03:17 -- Dardanella 00:03:20 -- If You Knew Susie 00:02:56 -- Streichquartett Nr. 1 in g-moll, Op. 10: Andantino doucement expressif 00:03:00 -- Yes! We Have No Bananas 00:02:55 -- Sweet Georgia Brown 00:03:03 -- Lady, be Good! 00:03:00 -- Honey 00:03:29 -- Tip-toes 00:03:24 -- Nola 00:03:24 -- Wabash Blues 00:03:01 -- I'm Coming Virginia 00:03:15 -- Do It Again 00:03:13 -- Kitten on the Keys 00:03:03 -- That's No Bargain 00:02:43 --
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