Nature of the Beast

- Titel: Nature of the Beast / FORMANEK, Michael. Berne, Tim, Alt-Saxophon -- Black, Jim, Schlagzeug -- Douglas, Dave, Autor -- Formanek, Michael, Kontrabass -- Malaby, Tony, Saxophon -- Speed, Chris, Klarinette -- Swell, Steve, Posaune
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Enja - Matthias Winckelmann, 1997
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Emerger 00:05:26 -- The Dry Season 00:07:58 -- Grand Bizarre 00:11:06 -- Don't Go There 00:05:31 -- Excruciation 00:06:19 -- El Nino 00:09:15 -- Lickin' Center 00:10:25 -- Thick Skin - Dangerous Crustaceans 00:11:55 --
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