NO FOOT, JUST MUSIC - To fully appreciate four football games a day would be taking time to detox listening to one half-time of good music

- Titel: NO FOOT, JUST MUSIC - To fully appreciate four football games a day would be taking time to detox listening to one half-time of good music. Aquino, Luca, Trompete -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bernard, Will, Gitarre -- Bex, Emmanuel, Orgel -- Blue Morning, Ensemble -- Boré, Matthieu, Keyboard -- Brassens, Georges, Komponist -- Clayton-Thomas, David, Komponist -- DJ Borz, , Elektronik -- Debacker, Raf, hammond organ -- Ellis, John, Tenor-Saxophon -- Evans, Bill, Keyboard -- Flavio Boltro 5et, Ensemble -- Galvin, Manu, Gitarre -- Giovanni Ceccarelli Trio, Ensemble -- Huchard, Stephane, Schlagzeug -- James, Francis, Komponist -- Julien Daïan Quintet, Ensemble -- Klein, Jérôme, Schlagzeug -- Ladd, Mike, Gesang -- Ligertwood, Alex, Gesang -- Linx, David, Dichter/Text -- Luntzel, Tim, Kontrabass -- Maio, Lorenzo di, Gitarre -- Mesolella, Fausto, Komponist -- Morelli, Nico, Klavier -- Morgan, Lee, Trompete -- Patrou, Moses, Schlagwerk -- Pili, Jacques, Kontrabass -- Raymond, Cédric, Komponist -- Seba, Michel, Schlagwerk -- Shrestha, Anne Gouraud, Kontrabass -- Sidran, Leo, Komponist -- Sidran, Ben, Keyboard -- Studio ensemble, Ensemble -- Waterbed, Trixie, Begleitgesang -- Wautier, Chrystel, Dichter/Text -- Withers, Bill, Komponist
- Person(en): Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Brassens, Georges [Komposition] ; Clayton-Thomas, David [Komposition] ; James, Francis [Komposition] ; Mesolella, Fausto [Komposition] ; Raymond, Cédric [Komposition] ; Sidran, Leo [Komposition] ; Withers, Bill [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Blue Morning ; Flavio Boltro 5et ; Giovanni Ceccarelli Trio ; Julien Daïan Quintet ; Studio ensemble
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Bonsaï Music, 2016
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Brand New Music 00:03:27 -- The Sidewinder 00:05:24 -- Blues du cambriolage 00:04:21 -- Before a Song 00:04:11 -- Speak to Me in Spanish 00:03:57 -- I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket 00:03:08 -- Maman, Papa 00:02:53 -- Peri's Scope 00:04:04 -- Ain't No Sunshine 00:04:31 -- Spinning Wheel 00:02:53 -- Ti odio 00:02:50 --
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