CYLINDER JAZZ - Early Jazz and Ragtime from Phonograph Cylinders

- Titel: CYLINDER JAZZ - Early Jazz and Ragtime from Phonograph Cylinders. Ager, Milton, Komponist -- Berger, Karl, Vibraphon -- Bernard, Al, Komponist -- Bernard, Felix, Komponist -- Billy Wynne Greenwich Village Orchestra, Orchester -- Black, Johnny S., Komponist -- Clyde Doerr Orchestra, Orchester -- Doerr, Clyde -- Duke Yellman Orchestra, Orchester -- Earl Oliver Jazz Babies, Ensemble -- Fiorito, Ted, Komponist -- Fisher, Fred, Komponist -- Fletcher, Archie, Komponist -- Frey, Fran, Gesang -- Frisco Jazz Band, Ensemble -- Gershwin, George, Komponist -- Gershwin, Ira, Dichter/Text -- Harry Raderman Jazz Orchestra, Orchester -- Heath, Bobby, Komponist -- Keidel, Hal, Komponist -- Kilfeather, Eddie, Komponist -- Lada, Anton, Komponist -- Lenzberg, Julius, Komponist -- Little, Jack, Komponist -- Louisiana Five, Ensemble -- Marr, Alex, Komponist -- McCarthy, Joseph, Dichter/Text -- Merry Sparklers, The, Ensemble -- New York Military Band, Ensemble -- Nunez, Alcide, Komponist -- Olsen, George, Erzähler -- Paul Victorin Orchestra, Orchester -- Raderman, Harry -- Robinson, J. Russell, Komponist -- Ryan, John, Gesang -- Scharf, Henry, Komponist -- Tennessee Happy Boys, Ensemble -- Victorin, Paul -- Yellman, Duke
- Person(en): Ager, Milton [Komposition] ; Bernard, Al [Komposition] ; Bernard, Felix [Komposition] ; Black, Johnny S. [Komposition] ; Fiorito, Ted [Komposition] ; Fisher, Fred [Komposition] ; Fletcher, Archie [Komposition] ; Gershwin, George [Komposition] ; Heath, Bobby [Komposition] ; Keidel, Hal [Komposition] ; Kilfeather, Eddie [Komposition] ; Lada, Anton [Komposition] ; Lenzberg, Julius [Komposition] ; Little, Jack [Komposition] ; Marr, Alex [Komposition] ; Nunez, Alcide [Komposition] ; Robinson, J. Russell [Komposition] ; Scharf, Henry [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Billy Wynne Greenwich Village Orchestra ; Clyde Doerr Orchestra ; Duke Yellman Orchestra ; Earl Oliver Jazz Babies ; Frisco Jazz Band ; Harry Raderman Jazz Orchestra ; Louisiana Five ; Merry Sparklers, The ; New York Military Band ; Paul Victorin Orchestra ; Tennessee Happy Boys
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Saydisc, 1982
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Lyric Pieces, Book 8, Op. 65 (arr. Huppertz) 00:03:39 -- Clarinet Squawk 00:04:08 -- Dardanella 00:03:17 -- Dardanella 00:03:43 -- Lyrische Stücke, Op. 68 00:03:54 -- Blue-Eyed Sally 00:03:59 -- Ain't She Sweet 00:04:13 -- Militärmarsch Nr. 1 in D-Dur, Op. 39, "Pomp and Circumstance" 00:03:42 -- Make that Trombone Laugh 00:03:37 -- Militärmarsch Nr. 4 in G-Dur, Op. 39, "Pomp and Circumstance" 00:03:52 -- I'm Going to Park Myself in Your Arms 00:04:03 -- Tip-toes 00:03:49 -- The French Doll 00:04:04 -- Louisville Lou 00:03:48 --
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