
- Titel: HISTORY OF JAZZ. Al Casey Sextet, Ensemble -- Armand Hug's Louisiananas, Ensemble -- Arnheim, Gus, Komponist -- Austin, Gene, Komponist -- Barker, Blue Lu, Komponist -- Bauer, Billy, Gitarre -- Benny Goodman Band, Orchester -- Benny Goodman Trio, Ensemble -- Bergere, Roy, Komponist -- Bernstein, Leonard, Komponist -- Best, Denzil, Komponist -- Bigard, Barney, Komponist -- Bob Crosby Orchestra, Orchester -- Bobby Hacket Band, Ensemble -- Brown, Nacio Herb, Komponist -- Brown, Tiny, Komponist -- Brown, Walter, Komponist -- Bugle Sam Dekemel, Ensemble -- Bus Moten Men, Ensemble -- Busse, Henry, Trompete -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Cannon, Hughie, Komponist -- Capitol International Jazzmen, Ensemble -- Carmichael, Hoagy, Komponist -- Carter, Benny, Komponist -- Casa Loma Orchestra, Orchester -- Chaplin, Saul, Komponist -- Crosby, Bob, Komponist -- Dave Pell Octet, Ensemble -- Davis, Miles, Komponist -- Dickenson, Vic, Komponist -- Dizzy Gillespie All-Star Big Band, Ensemble -- Douglas, Tommy, Komponist -- Dowell, Edgar, Komponist -- Duke Ellington Orchestra, Orchester -- Eddie Miller's Quartet, Ensemble -- Edwards, Eddie, Komponist -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Freeman, Bud, Komponist -- Freeman, L.E., Komponist -- Fry, Charles William, Dichter/Text -- Gibbs, A. Harrington, Komponist -- Gifford, Gene, Komponist -- Goodman, Benny, Komponist -- Gray, Glen, Saxophon -- Grey, Joe, Dichter/Text -- Hawkins, Coleman, Tenor-Saxophon -- Hayes, Thamon, Komponist -- Hays, William Shakespeare, Komponist -- Herbert, Victor, Komponist -- Herman, Woody, Komponist -- Holiner, Mann, Komponist -- Hug, Armand, Komponist -- Jack Teagarden Chicagoans, Ensemble -- Johnson, Buster, Komponist -- LaRocca, Nick, Komponist -- Lead Belly, Ensemble -- Lee, Julia, Gesang -- Lewis, Morgan, Komponist -- Livingston, Jerry, Komponist -- Manone, Wingy, Gesang -- Marsalis, Wynton, Komponist -- Marvin Ash's Band, Ensemble -- McCandless, Paul, Komponist -- McGhee, Brownie, Komponist -- McPhail, Lindsay, Komponist -- Medina, Mamie, Dichter/Text -- Mercer, Johnny, Dichter/Text -- Metronome All-Stars, Ensemble -- Michels, Walter, Komponist -- Miles, Lizzie, Gesang -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Moret, Neil, Komponist -- Moten, Bennie, Komponist -- Moten, Buster, Komponist -- Mouzon, Alphonse, Schlagzeug -- Mt. Zion Church Choir, Chor -- Mueller, Gus, Komponist -- Nappy Lamare's Levee Loungers, Ensemble -- Nichols, Alberta, Komponist -- Paul Whiteman Orchestra, Orchester -- Pete Daily Chicagoans, Ensemble -- Ragas, Henry, Komponist -- Red Nichols 5 Pennies, Ensemble -- Red Norvo's Nine, Ensemble -- Rex Stewart's Big Eight, Ensemble -- Rose, Fred, Komponist -- Sbarbaro, Tony, Komponist -- Shearing, George, Komponist -- Shields, Larry, Komponist -- Smith, Warren D., Komponist -- Sonny Greer Duke's Men, Ensemble -- Stacy, Jess, Komponist -- Stan Kenton Orchestra, Ensemble -- Steele, Porter, Komponist -- Stewart, Rex, Komponist -- Strayhorn, Billy, Komponist -- Swift, Kay, Komponist -- Tatum, Art, Klavier -- Terry, Sonny, Komponist -- Tommy Douglas Band, Ensemble -- Tristano, Lennie, Komponist -- Van Eps, George, Gitarre -- Warren, Harry, Komponist -- Whiteman, Paul, Komponist -- Wingy Manone's Dixieland Band, Ensemble -- With His Band, Ensemble -- Wood, Leo, Komponist -- Woody Herman Swingin' Herd, Ensemble -- Zutty Singleton's Trio, Ensemble
- Person(en): Arnheim, Gus [Komposition] ; Austin, Gene [Komposition] ; Barker, Blue Lu [Komposition] ; Bergere, Roy [Komposition] ; Bernstein, Leonard [Komposition] ; Best, Denzil [Komposition] ; Bigard, Barney [Komposition] ; Brown, Nacio Herb [Komposition] ; Brown, Tiny [Komposition] ; Brown, Walter [Komposition] ; Cannon, Hughie [Komposition] ; Carmichael, Hoagy [Komposition] ; Carter, Benny [Komposition] ; Chaplin, Saul [Komposition] ; Crosby, Bob [Komposition] ; Davis, Miles [Komposition] ; Dickenson, Vic [Komposition] ; Douglas, Tommy [Komposition] ; Dowell, Edgar [Komposition] ; Edwards, Eddie [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Freeman, Bud [Komposition] ; Freeman, L.E. [Komposition] ; Gibbs, A. Harrington [Komposition] ; Gifford, Gene [Komposition] ; Goodman, Benny [Komposition] ; Hayes, Thamon [Komposition] ; Hays, William Shakespeare [Komposition] ; Herbert, Victor [Komposition] ; Herman, Woody [Komposition] ; Holiner, Mann [Komposition] ; Hug, Armand [Komposition] ; Johnson, Buster [Komposition] ; LaRocca, Nick [Komposition] ; Lewis, Morgan [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jerry [Komposition] ; Marsalis, Wynton [Komposition] ; McCandless, Paul [Komposition] ; McGhee, Brownie [Komposition] ; McPhail, Lindsay [Komposition] ; Michels, Walter [Komposition] ; Moret, Neil [Komposition] ; Moten, Bennie [Komposition] ; Moten, Buster [Komposition] ; Mueller, Gus [Komposition] ; Nichols, Alberta [Komposition] ; Ragas, Henry [Komposition] ; Rose, Fred [Komposition] ; Sbarbaro, Tony [Komposition] ; Shearing, George [Komposition] ; Shields, Larry [Komposition] ; Smith, Warren D. [Komposition] ; Stacy, Jess [Komposition] ; Steele, Porter [Komposition] ; Stewart, Rex [Komposition] ; Strayhorn, Billy [Komposition] ; Swift, Kay [Komposition] ; Terry, Sonny [Komposition] ; Tristano, Lennie [Komposition] ; Warren, Harry [Komposition] ; Whiteman, Paul [Komposition] ; Wood, Leo [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Al Casey Sextet ; Armand Hug's Louisiananas ; Benny Goodman Band ; Benny Goodman Trio ; Bob Crosby Orchestra ; Bobby Hacket Band ; Bugle Sam Dekemel ; Bus Moten Men ; Capitol International Jazzmen ; Casa Loma Orchestra ; Dave Pell Octet ; Dizzy Gillespie All-Star Big Band ; Duke Ellington Orchestra ; Eddie Miller's Quartet ; Jack Teagarden Chicagoans ; Lead Belly ; Marvin Ash's Band ; Metronome All-Stars ; Mt. Zion Church Choir ; Nappy Lamare's Levee Loungers ; Paul Whiteman Orchestra ; Pete Daily Chicagoans ; Red Nichols 5 Pennies ; Red Norvo's Nine ; Rex Stewart's Big Eight ; Sonny Greer Duke's Men ; Stan Kenton Orchestra ; Tommy Douglas Band ; Wingy Manone's Dixieland Band ; With His Band ; Woody Herman Swingin' Herd ; Zutty Singleton's Trio
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: CNM, 2011
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Whoopin' the Blues 00:02:44 -- He's the Lily of the Valley 00:02:46 -- Eagle Rock Rag 00:02:45 -- Lulu's Mood 00:02:39 -- Bill Bailey Won't You Come Home? 00:02:27 -- Cajun Love Song 00:03:00 -- Runnin' Wild 00:02:27 -- A Dixie Jam Session 00:03:01 -- Trombone Man Blues 00:02:56 -- The Da Da Strain 00:02:25 -- Tailgate Ramble 00:02:55 -- High Society 00:02:35 -- Wang Wang Blues 00:02:59 -- Mood Indigo 00:03:02 -- Until the Real Thing Comes Along 00:02:37 -- South 00:02:36 -- It's so Hard to Laugh of Smile 00:02:49 -- How Come You Do Me Like You Do? 00:02:53 -- Ostrich Walk 00:02:35 -- Nasty Attitude 00:02:54 -- Deed I Do 00:02:40 -- Slow-Motion Baby 00:02:13 -- Indian Summer 00:02:45 -- San 00:03:22 -- Buji 00:02:37 -- Sweet And Lovely 00:03:04 -- Sadie Mckee 00:02:21 -- Satin Doll 00:02:57 -- It's the Talk of the Town 00:03:20 -- Riffamarole 00:02:53 -- Under a Blanket of Blue 00:03:07 -- Magnolia Street Parade 00:02:54 -- Can't We Be Friends? 00:02:27 -- Goosed 00:02:17 -- Dutch Treat 00:03:00 -- New Orleans 00:02:54 -- How High the Moon 00:02:44 -- Stuffy 00:03:03 -- Carombola 00:02:56 -- Marionette 00:03:05 -- Early Autumn 00:03:14 -- Early Spring 00:02:47 -- Move 00:02:33 -- Yesterdays 00:03:13 -- Prelude, Buch 1 00:02:43 -- I Had the Craziest Dream 00:02:52 -- Rockin' in Rhythm 00:04:34 -- What Is Jazz Part I 00:23:33 -- What Is Jazz Part II 00:19:09 --
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