
- Titel: Celebration / JORDAN, Sheila / BROWN, Cameron. Astaire, Fred, Gesang -- Baker, Leon, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Bigard, Barney, Komponist -- Brooks, Harry, Komponist -- Brown, Cameron, Kontrabass -- Brown Jr., Oscar, Komponist -- Cahn, Sammy, Dichter/Text -- Davis, Miles, Komponist -- Ellington, Duke, Komponist -- Gillespie, Dizzy, Trompete -- Harbach, Otto, Dichter/Text -- Jordan, Sheila, Gesang -- Kern, Jerome, Komponist -- Lerner, Alan Jay, Dichter/Text -- Lincoln, Abbey, Komponist -- Lins, Ivan, Komponist -- Linx, David, Dichter/Text -- Loewe, Frederick, Komponist -- Mills, Irving, Dichter/Text -- Parker, Charlie, Komponist -- Razaf, Andy, Dichter/Text -- Styne, Jule, Komponist -- Waldron, Mal, Komponist -- Waller, Fats, Komponist
- Person(en): Baker, Leon [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Bigard, Barney [Komposition] ; Brooks, Harry [Komposition] ; Brown Jr., Oscar [Komposition] ; Davis, Miles [Komposition] ; Ellington, Duke [Komposition] ; Kern, Jerome [Komposition] ; Lincoln, Abbey [Komposition] ; Lins, Ivan [Komposition] ; Loewe, Frederick [Komposition] ; Parker, Charlie [Komposition] ; Styne, Jule [Komposition] ; Waldron, Mal [Komposition] ; Waller, Fats [Komposition]
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: HighNote Records, 2018
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Introductory Remarks by Sheila Jordan 00:00:35 -- Hum Drum Blues 00:03:05 -- Mood Indigo 00:04:02 -- It's You or No One 00:05:19 -- Commentary 00:00:08 -- Brother, Where Are You? 00:05:37 -- Betsy: Blue Skies - Blue Skies - All Blues - Freddie Freeloader 00:10:10 -- The Promise of You 00:04:51 -- Commentary 00:00:04 -- Follow the Fleet: Let's Face the Music and Dance - Top hat: Cheek to Cheek - Roberta: I Won't Dance - My Fair Lady: I Could Have Danced All Night - Pick Yourself Up 00:07:23 -- Commentary 00:00:09 -- Straight Ahead 00:05:10 -- Honeysuckle Rose - Ain't Misbehavin' - Scrapple from the Apple 00:09:45 -- Introducing Jay Clayton 00:00:21 -- Birk's Works 00:06:48 -- Sheila's Blues 00:03:07 -- Commentary 00:00:15 -- Crossing 00:04:42 --
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