MUSICAL MOMENTS TO REMEMBER - The Petticoat Hitparade, Vol. 1 (1955)

- Titel: MUSICAL MOMENTS TO REMEMBER - The Petticoat Hitparade, Vol. 1 (1955). Abner, Ewart, Komponist -- Allen, Robert, Komponist -- Allen, Steve, Komponist -- Arkin, Alan, Komponist -- Bagdasarian, Ross, Komponist -- Bass, Kenny, Gesang -- Bernstein, Elmer, Komponist -- Bloch, Ray, Komponist -- Brecht, Bertolt, Dichter/Text -- Brewer, Teresa, Gesang -- Cates, George, Komponist -- Champagne Music, Orchester -- Collins, Dorothy, Gesang -- Cornell, Don, Gesang -- Dale, Alan, Gesang -- Desmond, Johnny, Gesang -- Dick Jacobs Chorus, Chor -- Dunning, George, Komponist -- Dupree, Harry, Komponist -- Durso, Michael, Komponist -- Fain, Sammy, Komponist -- George, Don, Dichter/Text -- Giacomazzi, Angel, Komponist -- Hamilton, Clyde, Dichter/Text -- Hoffman, Al, Komponist -- Jacobs, Dick -- Kahn, Murl, Dichter/Text -- Karey, Bob, Komponist -- Karger, Frederick, Dichter/Text -- Kellem, Milt, Komponist -- Kent, Robert, Komponist -- Lawrence, Steve, Gesang -- Lebowsky, Stan, Komponist -- Ledbetter, Hudie Leadbelly, Komponist -- Lon, Alice, Gesang -- Manning, Dick, Komponist -- Marascalco, John, Komponist -- McGuire Sisters, The, Ensemble -- Merrill, Bob, Komponist -- Mitchell, Mel, Komponist -- Modernaires, Ensemble -- Moore, John, Dichter/Text -- Motola, George, Komponist -- Newman, Herb, Komponist -- Quadling, Lew, Komponist -- Renee, Henri -- Riddle, Nelson, Komponist -- Shapiro, Joseph, Komponist -- Stallman, Lou, Komponist -- Stillman, Al, Dichter/Text -- Studio chorus, Chor -- Studio conductor, -- Studio orchestra, Orchester -- Sullivan, Larry, Dichter/Text -- Tiomkin, Dimitri, Komponist -- Travis, Merle, Komponist -- Webster, Paul Francis, Komponist -- Weill, Kurt, Komponist -- Welk, Lawrence, Komponist -- Welk, Lawrence, Gesang -- Wright, Dorothy, Komponist
- Person(en): Abner, Ewart [Komposition] ; Allen, Robert [Komposition] ; Allen, Steve [Komposition] ; Arkin, Alan [Komposition] ; Bagdasarian, Ross [Komposition] ; Bernstein, Elmer [Komposition] ; Bloch, Ray [Komposition] ; Cates, George [Komposition] ; Dunning, George [Komposition] ; Dupree, Harry [Komposition] ; Durso, Michael [Komposition] ; Fain, Sammy [Komposition] ; Giacomazzi, Angel [Komposition] ; Hoffman, Al [Komposition] ; Karey, Bob [Komposition] ; Kellem, Milt [Komposition] ; Kent, Robert [Komposition] ; Lebowsky, Stan [Komposition] ; Ledbetter, Hudie Leadbelly [Komposition] ; Manning, Dick [Komposition] ; Marascalco, John [Komposition] ; Merrill, Bob [Komposition] ; Mitchell, Mel [Komposition] ; Motola, George [Komposition] ; Newman, Herb [Komposition] ; Quadling, Lew [Komposition] ; Riddle, Nelson [Komposition] ; Shapiro, Joseph [Komposition] ; Stallman, Lou [Komposition] ; Tiomkin, Dimitri [Komposition] ; Travis, Merle [Komposition] ; Webster, Paul Francis [Komposition] ; Weill, Kurt [Komposition] ; Welk, Lawrence [Komposition] ; Wright, Dorothy [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Champagne Music ; Dick Jacobs Chorus ; McGuire Sisters, The ; Modernaires ; Studio chorus ; Studio orchestra
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Jube Pops, 2013
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Moments To Remember 00:02:36 -- Don't Knock The Rock 00:02:15 -- Petticoats Of Portugal 00:01:48 -- Hot Diggety Polka 00:02:32 -- Love is a Many Splendored Thing 00:03:12 -- The Wayward Wind 00:02:40 -- Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) 00:02:09 -- A Sweet, Old Fasioned Girl 00:02:55 -- Sixteen Tons 00:02:54 -- Picnic 00:02:33 -- Picnic 00:02:44 -- The Italian Theme 00:02:44 -- Armen's Theme 00:02:03 -- Rock Island Line 00:02:28 -- The Banana Boat Song 00:02:46 -- The Man with the Golden Arm 00:02:58 -- Gonna Get Along Without You Now 00:02:50 -- Lisboa Antiqua 00:02:28 -- At My Front Door 00:02:26 -- The Yellow Rose Of Texas 00:02:31 -- Friendly Persuasions 00:02:21 -- The Treasure Of Love 00:02:15 -- Cinco Robles (Five Oaks) 00:02:32 -- Goodnight, My Love 00:02:57 --
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