Sweet Swinging Harmonies

- Titel: Sweet Swinging Harmonies / CHORDETTES (THE). Adamson, Harold, Dichter/Text -- Alstyne, Egbert van, Komponist -- Archie Bleyer Orchestra, Orchester -- Auric, Georges, Komponist -- Ballard, Pat, Komponist -- Berlin, Irving, Komponist -- Boone, Pat, Dichter/Text -- Brunies, Henry, Komponist -- Buck, Richard Henry, Dichter/Text -- Cassard, Jules, Komponist -- Chordettes, The, Chor -- Curtis, Loyal, Komponist -- Daves, Delmer, Dichter/Text -- Denniker, Paul, Komponist -- Deutsch, Adolph -- Engvick, William, Dichter/Text -- Evans, Ray, Dichter/Text -- Ewing, Montague, Komponist -- Freed, Alan, Komponist -- Fuqua, Harvey, Komponist -- Geibel, Adam, Komponist -- Gibbs, A. Harrington, Komponist -- Gillespie, Haven, Komponist -- Goetz, E. Ray, Dichter/Text -- Gold, Ernest, Komponist -- Grey, Joe, Dichter/Text -- Hadjidakis, Manos, Komponist -- Jackson, Randy, Komponist -- Kaempfert, Bert, Komponist -- Kaper, Bronislaw, Komponist -- Langdon, Dory, Dichter/Text -- Leslie, Edgar, Komponist -- Livingston, Jay, Komponist -- Livingston, Jerry, Komponist -- Lockhart, Eugene, Dichter/Text -- Manning, Dick, Komponist -- Marchetti, Fermo D., Komponist -- Mecum, Dudley, Komponist -- Meyer, George W., Komponist -- Neiburg, Al J., Dichter/Text -- Porter, Cole, Komponist -- Ray, Eddy, Komponist -- Razaf, Andy, Dichter/Text -- Schmidt, Erwin Roeder, E-Klavier -- Seitz, Ernest, Komponist -- Steiner, Max, Komponist -- Symes, Marty, Dichter/Text -- Towne, Billy, Dichter/Text -- Twomey, Kay, Komponist -- Wallace, Chester, Komponist -- Weisman, Ben, Komponist -- Wise, Fred, Komponist -- Wood, Leo, Komponist -- Young, Victor, Komponist
- Person(en): Alstyne, Egbert van [Komposition] ; Auric, Georges [Komposition] ; Ballard, Pat [Komposition] ; Berlin, Irving [Komposition] ; Brunies, Henry [Komposition] ; Cassard, Jules [Komposition] ; Curtis, Loyal [Komposition] ; Denniker, Paul [Komposition] ; Ewing, Montague [Komposition] ; Freed, Alan [Komposition] ; Fuqua, Harvey [Komposition] ; Geibel, Adam [Komposition] ; Gibbs, A. Harrington [Komposition] ; Gillespie, Haven [Komposition] ; Gold, Ernest [Komposition] ; Hadjidakis, Manos [Komposition] ; Jackson, Randy [Komposition] ; Kaempfert, Bert [Komposition] ; Kaper, Bronislaw [Komposition] ; Leslie, Edgar [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jay [Komposition] ; Livingston, Jerry [Komposition] ; Manning, Dick [Komposition] ; Marchetti, Fermo D. [Komposition] ; Mecum, Dudley [Komposition] ; Meyer, George W. [Komposition] ; Porter, Cole [Komposition] ; Ray, Eddy [Komposition] ; Seitz, Ernest [Komposition] ; Steiner, Max [Komposition] ; Twomey, Kay [Komposition] ; Wallace, Chester [Komposition] ; Weisman, Ben [Komposition] ; Wise, Fred [Komposition] ; Wood, Leo [Komposition] ; Young, Victor [Komposition]
- Organisation(en): Archie Bleyer Orchestra ; Chordettes, The
- Umfang: Online-Ressource
- Erschienen: Jube Legends, 2021
- Link(s): Verbindung zur Naxos Music Library
- Anmerkungen: Mr. Sandman 00:02:23 -- For Me and My Gal 00:02:27 -- Hearts of Stone 00:02:00 -- Drifting and Dreaming 00:01:38 -- Never on a Sunday: Never on a Sunday 00:02:42 -- Lili 00:02:45 -- Kentucky Babe 00:02:14 -- Wooden Heart (Muss i denn) 00:02:24 -- Annie Get Your Gun 00:02:23 -- Exodus 00:02:46 -- Runnin' Wild 00:01:45 -- Fascination 00:02:16 -- S'posin' 00:01:48 -- Moulin Rouge: Where is your heart? 00:02:46 -- The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise 00:03:01 -- A Summer Place 00:02:28 -- Angry 00:01:42 -- The Man Who Knew Too Much: Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que sera sera) 00:02:24 -- Moonlight on the Ganges 00:02:26 -- Around the World in 80 Days 00:02:36 -- (When It's) Darkness On The Delta 00:02:35 -- Tammy and the Bachelor 00:02:54 -- Goodbye Again (Aimez-vous Brahms?): Say No More 00:03:05 -- High Society, Act I: True Love 00:02:35 -- Sincerely 00:02:38 --
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